What we know about the new strain of coronavirus found in Britain


SINGAPORE: Over the weekend, Britain reported a new variant of the coronavirus that Prime Minister Boris Johnson said could be “up to 70 percent more transmittable.”

British Health Secretary Matt Hancock has described the tension as “out of control”, and the country has imposed a strict Christmas blockade to curb its spread.

A growing number of countries have also responded by imposing travel bans with Britain to prevent the new strain from spreading within their borders.

This is what we know about this variant of the virus so far.


The new strain came to light in Britain at the end of November. Officials investigating why COVID-19 infection rates in Kent weren’t declining despite national measures uncovered a rapidly spreading cluster in southeast England and London linked to a variant of the coronavirus.

Tracing back using genetic evidence suggested that the variant first emerged in September, the government agency Public Health England (PHE) said. It then circulated at “very low levels” in the population until mid-November.

Not much is known yet about this strain of the virus, known as the B.1.1.7 lineage.

But the strain is notable in that it accounts for an increasing proportion of cases in parts of England, and the number of cases and the number of regions reporting infections are growing, according to the COVID-19 Genomics Consortium UK (COG-UK).


The variant has an “unusually large” number of genetic changes, according to COG-UK. The consortium analysis highlights three mutations that may be biologically significant.

All three mutations are found in the spike protein of the virus, which is associated with entry of the virus into cells and is relevant in the context of immunity and vaccine efficacy.

The first mutation, called N501Y, alters the receptor-binding domain of the spike protein. This is where the virus binds to the human ACE-2 receptor to enter human cells.

N501Y is found to increase the binding affinity between the virus and the human receptor, according to COG-UK. In mouse studies, this mutation is associated with increased infectivity and virulence.

The second mutation involves the deletion of two amino acids and is associated with the ability of the virus to evade the human immune response. It was previously observed in the outbreak associated with mink in Denmark.

The third mutation, called P681H, is found immediately adjacent to the furin cleavage site in the spike protein, which is “a known location of biological importance.”

Scientists from COG-UK hypothesize that the new variant may stem from transmission of the virus by a chronically infected individual.

“This is based on observations that a high rate of mutations can accumulate in immunosuppressed patients with chronic infections” of COVID-19, the consortium said.


The data suggests that B.1.1.7 is more easily transmitted than other strains, according to PHE, which is coordinating British government research on the new variant.

Infection rates in geographic areas where this strain has been circulating have risen faster than expected, the agency said.

Model evidence also shows that it has a higher transmission rate than other variants currently in circulation.

However, PHE said it “had no evidence” that the variant is more likely to cause serious illness or mortality in a December 20 update.

“We continue to study cases to understand this better. We know that mortality is a lagging indicator and we will have to monitor it continuously for the next few weeks, ”said PHE.

“The way to control this virus is the same, whatever the variant,” the agency added, urging people to avoid close contact with other people, wash their hands and wear a mask.


Thousands of mutations have already emerged in the coronavirus genome since late 2019, according to COG-UK.

“Mutations arise naturally in the SARS-CoV-2 genome as the virus replicates and circulates in the human population,” the consortium said in a December report on mutations of particular interest.

Some of these mutations have previously been found in Singapore. For example, in August, Singapore discovered a variant of COVID-19 that caused less severe symptoms in patients.

READ: Singapore researchers discover milder COVID-19 strain, opening new avenues for treatment and vaccine development

COG-UK cited research on this variant in their report on B.1.1.7, due to a similar deletion of the ORF8 protein in both strains.

The “Singapore strain” was associated with “milder clinical infection and less post-infection inflammation,” and disappeared in late March after control measures were implemented, COG-UK said.

Also in August, a strain of the virus with a D614G mutation was detected in Singapore and Malaysia, which appeared to be more infectious but less deadly.

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As mutations continue to emerge, more and more new combinations of mutations are also being seen, COG-UK said.

In the case of B.1.1.7, the three mutations highlighted by COG-UK have previously been observed and described by scientists in other strains. However, it is unknown how they affect the coronavirus when they are present in combination.

According to COG-UK, this new variant also has an “unusually large” number of genetic changes, comprising 23 mutations, 14 amino acid changes, and three deletions.

In particular, the accumulation of 14 amino acid changes prior to the detection of the variant is “to date, unprecedented in global virus genomic data for the COVID-19 pandemic,” COG-UK said.


In England, around 16.4 million people, or 31 per cent of the population, have undergone the most stringent “level four” measures, including “stay at home” requests and non-store closures. essential.

Other parts of the UK have also tightened the measures.

Wales introduced a strict blockade on December 20, while Scotland banned travel to and from other UK regions for Christmas. Both Scotland and Northern Ireland will enter new lockdowns on December 26.

Outside of Britain, this strain of the coronavirus has been detected in Australia, Denmark and the Netherlands, according to the World Health Organization in an interview with the BBC.

To prevent the spread of the new variant, several destinations are closing their doors to travelers from Great Britain.

France has blocked people and goods from crossing the English Channel, while European neighbors Germany, Ireland, Italy, Austria, Romania, the Netherlands and Belgium have said they will block air travel.

Hong Kong, India, Canada, Iran and Saudi Arabia have also said they are banning flights from Britain.


Britain became the first country in the world to implement the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine earlier this month, and its rollout continues.

“There is currently no evidence to suggest that the Pfizer vaccine would not protect people against the new strain,” according to PHE.

The agency said more laboratory work is being done “as a priority” to understand this problem.

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