Weekly dengue cases in Singapore are at the lowest level this year after the largest outbreak, Singapore News & Top Stories


SINGAPORE – Dengue cases have fallen to their lowest level this year following the largest outbreak in Singapore’s history.

228 were reported last week, seven times less than the peak of 1,792 cases in July.

Last week’s figure, released on Friday (December 18) by the National Environment Agency (NEA), also marks the fourth consecutive week that cases have fallen below 300.

The dengue death toll has reached a record 29 this year, and possible causes of the historic outbreak include the dominance of an unusual strain and more people bitten by mosquitoes while staying home during the Covid-19 breaker.

But cases have declined steadily since August due to community efforts to control infections, said Chew Ming Fai, NEA’s deputy executive director and chief public health officer.

These included frequent checks by residents to detect possible mosquito breeding habitats and inspections by city councils.

Historical year of dengue cases

The historic dengue outbreak this year was due to several factors, some related to Covid-19, the agency added. It started with high weekly infections of between 300 and 400, as well as the dominance of the DENV-3 serotype, an unusual strain of the virus, in the first four months of this year. There are four serotypes of dengue, and the outbreaks here are usually caused by DENV-1 and DENV-2.

Cases spiked in May, shortly after the breaker kicked in, and peaked in July before steadily declining.

As of Friday, 57 dengue conglomerates had been registered, seven fewer than the previous week. Since the beginning of the year, the agency has closed about 98 percent of dengue groups.

However, the NEA cautioned against complacency as the number of weekly cases remains relatively high for this time of year. Although below last year’s figure, it is three times the average number of cases reported between 2016 and 2018.

The agency attributed this to the 20 percent increase in adults. Aedes aegypti mosquito population in November, as well as the relatively higher proportion of DENV-3 and DENV-4 serotype cases, which are less common in Singapore.

As of Friday, more than 230 residential areas have high Aedes aegypti populations with large dengue groups on Tampines Street 11, Geylang Road, Bukit Batok Street 21 and Admiralty Drive.

The NEA said it will continue to conduct preventative inspections with its partners to eliminate mosquito breeding habitats.

It will also focus on areas with high Aedes aegypti populations as well as construction sites and industrial premises near residential areas.

Between January and last month, the NEA conducted around 954,000 mosquito breeding inspections on the island.

These discovered around 21,500 mosquito breeding habitats and led to 7,060 enforcement actions against facility owners.

Repeat offenders

Beginning July 15, more severe penalties were introduced for households committing repeated mosquito breeding offenses. Since then, about 260 of the NEA’s inspections have been conducted on residential premises.

There were also 18 contractors charged in recidivism courts.

Mosquito-proof your home before the holidays

Due to the increased likelihood of standing water accumulating in unused facilities, the agency added that members of the public should take precautions to prevent mosquito breeding before going on vacation.

These include ensuring that pots, plates, and trays do not collect water, as well as covering toilets and floor traps.

You can find more information on the NEA website. “The risk of dengue is real given that the virus is endemic in Singapore, the historic outbreak of dengue seen this year, and with a considerable proportion of residents still working from home,” the agency said.

“Residents, especially those residing in dengue conglomerate areas, should do their part and take all three dengue protection actions: spraying insecticide in dark corners of the house, applying insect repellent regularly, and long-sleeved blouses and long pants. “
