Voters rejected Trump, but did not repudiate him, United States News & Top Stories


WASHINGTON – Joe Biden won the majority of the popular vote in the highest turnout elections in 120 years in the United States by becoming the regular base of the Democratic Party.

He repaired the so-called “blue wall,” Democratic states that Hillary Clinton lost in 2016, and got African Americans to overcome habitual cynicism, aided by mobilizers like Congresswoman Stacey Abrams in Georgia, and vote in large numbers.

The AP VoteCast national poll conducted between October 28 and the night of Election Day November 3, as well as a Wall Street Journal analysis of the unofficial results, has shown that Biden’s victory was based on the obtaining majority of female, suburban and black voters.

The former vice president also got more Democratic voters out in cities like Detroit and Milwaukee, where the party’s turnout was delayed four years ago, the Wall Street Journal reported.

But within broad categories, there were big differences.

In general, Biden did well among women. Black women were a particular force, with 93 percent supporting the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket. In this, analysts do not doubt that Harris, the first black woman and the first woman of Indian descent to be nominated for vice president, was a tie.

White suburban women sided with him only narrowly, 52 to 47 percent, according to the AP poll. The New York Times (NYT) exit polls have support among women in general between 57 and 42 years old. An exit poll by CNN showed that both white women and white men elected Trump.

The NYT poll found that the more educated opted for Biden, giving him an advantage of 55 to 43. On the other hand, the less educated chose Trump, 50 to 48 years old.

But while Trump’s loss was a rejection, it was not a rejection of the most controversial president since Richard Nixon (some say once).

Biden did not cut Trump’s base in any significant way, nor did Trump cut off the Democratic base.

If Biden got more votes than Clinton in 2016, Trump also got more votes than when he was elected.

Five million more Americans voted for Trump than in 2016, and that number includes black and Hispanic votes.

“They saw the divisions that it fueled, the xenophobia that it embraced … and the pandemic that it failed,” Dr. Trita Parsi, co-founder of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, wrote Nov. 9.

“They weighed that against the tax cuts they won, the conservative Supreme Court justices he appointed, the climate chaos they can ignore, and the punishments he inflicted on ‘liberal elites.’ They decided they wanted four more years of Trump.”

Special interests may explain some of that. In Florida, older generation Cuban Americans staunchly stood in favor of Trump, swayed by rhetoric of fear about impending socialist ruin under a Democratic president. Micro-targeting through social media in Spanish played an important role in that, analysts say.

Between 76 and 81 percent of white evangelical and “born again” voters supported Trump, the National Election Pool and AP / Votecast showed.

“The religious landscape in terms of voting has been remarkably stable,” Mr. Robert P. Jones, executive director of the Public Religion Research Institute, told National Public Radio (NPR).

“White Christian voters have tended to support Republican candidates, and Christians of color and everyone else, including those not affiliated with any religion, have tended to support Democratic candidates.”

The NYT data showed that young people joined blacks, Hispanics and Asian Americans in overwhelmingly voting for Biden.

The election result clearly indicates that the political map of the United States is still divided into two distinct political spheres, something like an apple; the blue outer shell (Democrat-Liberal) but the red core (Republican-Conservative).

“The ‘God gap’ is increasingly the narrative when we think of the parts,” said Dr. Ryan Burge, professor of political science at Eastern Illinois University. “Half of today’s white liberals identify as unaffiliated with any religion, while the right is still very Christian.”
