Users who modify TraceTogether tokens could be breaking the law, Singapore News & Top Stories


SINGAPORE (THE NEW ROLE): Some users are allegedly breaking their TraceTogether tokens, removing the battery and even exchanging the QR code with that of another device.

But doing so is not only a crime, it also puts Singapore at risk.

In response to inquiries from The New Paper, a spokesperson for the Smart Nation and Digital Government Group (SNDGG) said it was aware of online forums where users claim to have modified the token.

“Any deliberate or malicious act to manipulate the token is a crime under the Computer Misuse Act,” he said.

More than 400,000 tokens have been collected since distribution began last month.

The spokesperson said TraceTogether has helped reduce the time to identify close contacts from four days to less than two days. But tampering with the token can make contact tracing difficult.

On October 20, the multi-ministerial task force said that registration with TraceTogether will be mandatory by the end of the year, and that theaters began on Monday.

Currently, tokens can be collected at 38 community centers, but will be available at all 108 community centers by the end of November.

A thread on the HardwareZone online forum last Tuesday discussed how to modify tokens. One user encouraged others to print QR codes of other tokens for themselves.

The thread, which has gained traction with more than 780 posts as of Monday, saw other users discussing how to block the Bluetooth signal to prevent it from working as expected.

Many of them seemed to be against the use of tokens.

Some people had raised concerns about location monitoring and surveillance when the tokens were announced in June.

But authorities have assured the public that the tokens do not collect location data and are used only for contact tracing.

GovTech Singapore also invited four experts to a teardown of the token in June to verify the inner workings of the device.

One of them, Roland Turner, chief privacy officer at analytics firm TrustSphere, told TNP that people shouldn’t worry about using the token.

“TraceTogether retains the information it collects on the device until it is diagnosed, and purges anything that is older than 25 days,” he said.

“This means that more than 99.9 percent of the data collected never reaches the government.”

Noting that TraceTogether’s success in fighting Covid-19 depends on people’s cooperation, he added: “Like frequent hand washing, TraceTogether can be widely used and highly effective only if the population wants do what.

“It is worth taking all possible measures to encourage this.”

Kalco Law attorney Joshua Tong said that those who tamper with the tokens can violate several laws.

“If there is physical damage or tampering with the chips, one may be liable for a crime of simpliciter mischief,” he said.

The crime carries a jail term of up to two years, a fine, or both.

If the mischief disrupts a public health service, one can be charged with harm caused by the disruption of a key service, which carries a jail term of up to 10 years, a fine, or both.

“This is because TraceTogether tokens provide a service … (that) is critical to maintaining public health while fighting the pandemic,” he said.

Under the Computer Misuse Act, unauthorized access to computer material carries a jail term of up to two years, a fine of up to $ 5,000, or both.

Those who make unauthorized modifications to computer equipment can be jailed for up to three years, fined up to $ 10,000, or both.

Infectious disease specialist Leong Hoe Nam said those who handle the token are irresponsible and put others at risk.

He said: “Manipulating the token is similar to sabotaging your country. Why are they so stupid?”
