US Presidential Elections: What Time To Expect Results And Which States To Watch


To become the next president of the United States, President Donald Trump or former Vice President Joe Biden will need to obtain at least 270 electoral votes out of a total of 538, whether or not they win the popular vote nationally.

Most states have a track record of either Democratic or Republican voters, so the election will be narrowed down to a few crucial states that could vary in either direction.

November 4, 8 a.m. M. A 11 a. M., Singapore Time: How Will Arrogant States Fall?

Voting will close in Florida, Georgia, Texas, North Carolina and Ohio between 7 pm and 7:30 pm (8 am and 9 am Singapore time).

In Iowa, polling stations will close at 9pm (11am Singapore time).

Trump and Biden have a 50% chance of winning most of these states, despite the president winning them by comfortable margins in 2016.

No Republican president has won the White House without Florida, which has 29 electoral votes, in 100 years, and it will be very difficult for Trump to come back from losing Florida.

Democrats believe that even Georgia (16 electoral votes) and Texas (38), which lean toward the Republicans, are at stake in this election.

If Biden switches to states like Georgia, Iowa (six), Ohio (18) and Texas, he may be heading for a decisive victory.

9 am-10am: Will the Midwest keep faith in Trump?

Polls close in Michigan and Pennsylvania at 8 p.m. (9 a.m. Singapore), while in Wisconsin, polls close at 8 p.m. (10 a.m. Singapore time).

Trump won the three “blue wall” states of Michigan (16 electoral votes), Pennsylvania (20) and Wisconsin (10) by 77,000 total votes in 2016, frustrating the presidential hopes of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

If Biden turns Florida blue, a victory in one or more of these states could seal the presidency for him. Winning the three Midwestern states could also be a path to the White House for Biden.

If Trump sticks with them or the contest is still closed, prepare for a long night.

10 am-11am: Will they stay with Biden?

At 7 p.m. (11 a.m. Singapore time), polls close in Arizona and Nevada, while in Minnesota they close at 8 p.m. (10 a.m. Singapore time).

The two Sun Belt states of Arizona (11 electoral votes) and Nevada (six) are leaning towards the Democrats right now, but the Trump campaign is targeting them. Minnesota (10) has voted Democrats since 1972, but Clinton won it by a narrow 1.5-point margin in 2016.

If Trump wins these states, or comes close to winning them, it may indicate trouble for Biden’s campaign.

However, the average of RealClearPolitics polls as of Nov. 2 showed Biden leading in all three states between 0.9 and 4.3 percentage points.

Starting at 11 am: Is the contest closed?

Typically, major television networks and media will launch the race based on exit polls before an official announcement is made. The winner has been called at 9 am, although in 2004, 2008 and 2012 this happened around noon or just after. In 2016, Clinton called Trump to concede around 3:45 p.m.

This year, experts say it can take days or even weeks to count all the ballots. Processing and counting vote-by-mail ballots takes time, and some states cannot begin until after the polls close. Other states accept ballots after November 3, as long as they are postmarked for Election Day. Absentee voting rules can be challenged in court, lengthening the wait before the winner is finalized.

If either candidate appears to be heading for a major victory, the chances of the outcome being contested will be less.

But if the race is closed, and if the ballots are tallied later, the race tips in favor of the Democrats, this could lead to Trump claiming the election is rigged.

The president has also refused to say that he will accept the election result, leaving a question mark about how election night will turn out.

Sources: Cook’s Political Report Ratings
