UN condemns violence against protesters and deaths in Myanmar


UNITED NATIONS: The United Nations Security Council on Thursday night (April 1) strongly condemned the use of violence against peaceful protesters and the deaths of hundreds of civilians in Myanmar, but dismissed the threat of possible future action. against the military after the coup of February 1.

The British-drawn press release approved by the 15-member council after intense negotiations that began on Wednesday expressed “deep concern over the rapidly deteriorating situation” in Myanmar and reiterated the council’s call for the military “to exercise maximum moderation. “

The original draft was much stronger and would have expressed the “willingness of the Security Council to consider new measures”, which could include sanctions. He also reportedly “deplored” the use of violence against peaceful protesters and “condemned in the strongest terms the killing of hundreds of civilians by the security forces.”

But at China’s insistence, the reference to “additional steps” was removed and stronger language, including the words “kill” and “deplore,” was softened in the final statement, said council diplomats, speaking on condition of anonymity because the discussions were private. .

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The reference to “additional measures” was replaced in the final statement by a sentence saying that the council members “emphasized that they continued to monitor the situation closely and would continue to actively address the matter.”

The council’s final statement also called on “all parties to refrain from violence,” which diplomats said Russia demanded, and “reiterated the need to fully respect human rights and to seek dialogue and reconciliation in accordance with the will and interests of the people of Myanmar “. “.

It also took note of the March 27 statement by the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, “calling for a firm, unified and resolute response from the international community.”

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The press release followed Wednesday’s closed-door council meeting in which UN special envoy for Myanmar, Christine Schraner Burgener, warned that the country faces the possibility of civil war “on an unprecedented scale” and he urged the Security Council to consider “potentially significant actions” to reverse the coup and restore democracy.

He did not specify what action he considered significant, but painted a terrible picture of the military crackdown and told the council in a closed-door briefing that Myanmar “is about to become a failed state.” consider all the tools available to take collective action ”and do what the people of Myanmar deserve:“ prevent a multi-dimensional catastrophe in the heart of Asia ”.

The coup reversed years of slow progress toward democracy in Myanmar, which for five decades had languished under a strict military regime that led to isolation and international sanctions. As the generals loosened their grip, culminating in Aung San Suu Kyi’s rise to leadership in the 2015 elections, the international community responded by lifting most sanctions and pouring investment into the country.

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At Wednesday’s virtual meeting, Schraner Burgener denounced the murder and arrest of unarmed protesters seeking to restore democracy. He cited figures from the Myanmar Political Prisoners Assistance Association that, as of Wednesday, some 2,729 people have been arrested, charged or convicted since the coup and an estimated 536 have been killed.

This was the second press release approved by the council since the coup.

The council also adopted a presidential statement, one step short of a resolution, on March 10 calling for the reversal of the coup, strongly condemning violence against peaceful protesters and calling for “maximum restraint” on the part of the military. He stressed the need to defend “democratic institutions and processes” and called for the immediate release of the detained government leaders, including Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Myint.

The statement approved Thursday also calls for his immediate release.
