Twitter flags Trump’s tweet for violating its rules on COVID-19 reporting


NEW YORK: Twitter on Sunday (Oct 11) marked a tweet from Donald Trump in which the President of the United States claimed he was immune to the coronavirus, saying he violated the social media platform’s rules on misleading information related to COVID -19.

“Full and complete approval from the White House doctors yesterday. That means I can’t get it (immune), and I can’t give it. Good to know,” Trump said in the tweet.

Twitter marked the post with a disclaimer.

“This Tweet violated Twitter’s Rules on Dissemination of Misleading and Potentially Harmful Information Related to COVID-19,” said Twitter’s disclaimer, adding that it had determined that it may be in the public interest that the tweet remain accessible.

A Twitter spokeswoman told Reuters that the tweet made “misleading health claims” about COVID-19 and that commitments to the post would be “significantly limited”, as is standard in such cases.

Trump said Sunday that he had made a full recovery from COVID-19 and that it would not be a transmission risk to others, freeing him up to once again hold large campaign rallies during the final weeks of the White House race.

The president first announced that he had a positive coronavirus test on October 2. Trump’s doctor said Saturday that the president had run a test on him that showed he was no longer infectious.

Scientific evidence is unclear on how long people who have recovered from COVID-19 have antibodies and are protected from a second infection.

Trump, who ranks behind Democrat Joe Biden in opinion polls ahead of the Nov.3 election, is eager to get back on the campaign trail after an absence of more than a week.

He plans to travel to the key state of Florida, the battlefield, on Monday, followed by rallies in Pennsylvania and Iowa on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively.
