Trump plans a rally in Florida at the same time as Biden’s presidential inauguration, reports say, United States News & Top Stories


WASHINGTON – US President Donald Trump is reflecting on a rally in Florida on January 20 at the same time that Joe Biden takes office as the country’s next president, US news reports say.

The alleged plan has generated mixed feelings even among Trump’s faithful and was berated by Democrats.

News sites such as NBC News and Axios said Trump planned to leave the White House in Marina One, the presidential transport helicopter, and then take an Air Force One flight to the Florida rally, in a slight to Biden, who struck in the November elections.

“Trump’s talk could create a split-screen moment: the outgoing president addresses a roaring crowd in an airport hangar, while the incoming leader takes the oath before a socially distanced audience outside the Capitol,” Axios reported Monday ( December 7th).

The 74-year-old Trump might even announce that he will run in the 2024 presidential election that day, according to reports.

The UK’s Daily Mail quoted White House spokesman Judd Deere as saying: “Anonymous sources claiming to know what the president is or is not considering have no idea.

“When President Trump has an announcement about his plans for January 20, he will let you know.”

So far, Trump has refused to admit defeat and continues to make unsubstantiated claims about massive voter fraud.

It is rare, but not unprecedented, for a president of the United States to be absent from the swearing-in ceremony of his successor.

NBC News reported that four other presidents did this, the last being Richard Nixon, who left the White House after his resignation 46 years ago, and did not attend Gerald Ford’s 1974 inauguration.

News reports say there have been mixed reactions to Trump’s Florida concentration plan. US Representative Lois Frankel, a Democrat, was quoted by The Palm Beach Post as saying that a public act of opposition by the outgoing president would be “rude, disrespectful and disgraceful.”

Willie Guardiola, who organizes pro-Trump street shows throughout Palm Beach County, told the same newspaper: “Why are you planning a rally when you won the election?”

He added: “I cannot relate to another rally. I cannot promote another rally, because we have to do first thing first” by continuing the legal challenges in court.
