Trump exits important CBS interview, complaining of questions


WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump threatened on Thursday (October 22) to release his own footage from an interview that has yet to aired with CBS and that he interrupted, angrily complaining of bias.

Trump tweeted that he wanted to pre-air the network’s interview on his 60 Minutes show on Sunday to reveal the “bias, hatred and rudeness” of journalist Leslie Stahl.

The raw images posted by Trump’s Facebook page, in violation of the White House agreement with the network, appear to show the encounter from start to finish, with the president frustrated at all times by the tone of the interrogation.

Stahl does not raise his voice or interrupt Trump other than to firmly challenge his statements on handling the coronavirus pandemic, his encouragement to supporters to yell at locking up political opponents and other sensitive issues.

Trump disagrees with what he says was an ambush interview and announces he will cancel the part where Stahl was supposed to continue the discussion while Vice President Mike Pence also joined.

“His first statement was ‘these will be tough questions.’ Well, I don’t care about that, but when you set up the interview, you didn’t say that. You said, ‘oh, let’s have a beautiful interview,’ “” he complains to Stahl just before abruptly calling the end of the interview. Meeting.

Trump also repeatedly complains that CBS and other outlets have not given his Democratic opponent Joe Biden similarly difficult questions, but have given him “softball after softball.”

“I’ve seen all of his interviews. They have never asked him a difficult question,” Trump said.

CBS also interviewed Biden for a separate 60-minute segment, which will air on Sunday.

Trump’s collapse from the interview, taped at the White House Tuesday, came hours before his Thursday night debate with Biden, his last head-to-head pre-election showdown in less than two weeks.

On Twitter, he promised his followers that the images of him with Stahl showed “his constant interruptions and anger. Compare my complete, fluid and ‘magnificently bright’ responses with his’ Qs.”

CBS responded by calling Trump’s breach of the deal on the images “unprecedented” and said this “will not deter ’60 Minutes’ from providing its full, fair and contextual report that presidents have participated in for decades.” .
