Top 4 Reasons Singapore Has One of the Lowest Covid-19 Death Rates


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Singapore: With 27 deaths of the more than 57,000 people infected with Covid-19 since the pandemic began, Singapore has one of the lowest fatality rates in the world. The global average death rate is 3%, according to data from Reuters from countries that have had more than 1000 cases of Covid-19.

In Singapore, the death rate is well below 0.05%.

When compared to countries with a similar number of people, this becomes even more marked. Singapore has around 5.639 million people, 57,532 infections (as of September 18) and 27 deaths. Finland has 5.518 million people, 8,799 infections and 337 deaths. Denmark has 5,806 million, 21,393 infections and 635 deaths.

Hong Kong’s fatality rate, which was very low at the beginning of the pandemic, has now surpassed Singapore’s. The city, which has a population of 7.451 million, has had 4,994 infections and 102 deaths, seeing an increase in both due to the third wave of infections in July.

Another notable fact about Singapore’s handling of the pandemic is that there have been no deaths from Covid-19 in the past two months.

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Its extremely low mortality rate can be explained by the following:

1. The demographics of infected people

Since 95% of infections occurred among relatively young and healthy migrant workers, this has kept the death rate low. This followed the global trends of younger patients who generally don’t get as sick as older ones.

2. Testing and tracing of aggressive contacts

Reuters reported that Singapore has been praised for its extensive contact tracing and testing methods by the World Health Organization (WHO). The country has one of the highest per capita rates of Covid-19 tests in the world, with more than 15 percent of the population having a swab test.

The news agency quotes Dr. Li Yang of the National University of Singapore’s Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health as saying, “The more we diagnose, the lower the death rate.”

As for migrant workers living in specially constructed dormitories where most infections were found and spread, residents have been placed on a testing schedule. And vulnerable members of the community have also had easy access to testing.

3. Medical treatment and care

In Singapore, infected people older than 45 years or with comorbidities were hospitalized, regardless of whether the patient had symptoms.

A senior consultant at the National University Hospital of Singapore, Dr. Dale Fisher, described the care of these patients as “conventional but well done”, with “fluid management, anticoagulation and proven drugs and participation in drug trials.”

Unlike other countries, Singapore’s hospital systems have never been overwhelmed by the number of Covid-19 patients, allowing resources to be directed to helping those who were seriously ill. There have been no Covid-19 patients in intensive care for some time.

4. Mask culture

Singaporeans have been wearing masks in public since April, which helps slow the spread of the infection, especially at the community level. Studies have shown efficacy in reducing not only infection rates but also the severity of illness in infected people.

5. Classification of deaths from Covid-19

Only patients who qualify according to the WHO definition as deaths from Covid-19 have been considered as such, which excludes several patients who had been infected with Covid-19 but died from causes related to heart or blood problems.

Dr. Paul Tambyah of the National University of Singapore, Secretary General of the Asia Pacific Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infection and Chairman of the Singapore Democratic Party, is quoted by Reuters as saying: “I have no doubt that if the WHO reviews their case definitions, some of the deaths not related to pneumonia will be reclassified and the death rate will change. “/ ITGS

Also read: SM Tharman: Don’t think of vaccines as a “silver bullet” for the devastating effects of Covid-19

SM Tharman: Don’t think of vaccines as a “silver bullet” for the devastating effects of Covid-19

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