This made my day: Young men help change a woman’s blown tire in pouring rain at SLE


It can be difficult for motorists to get help in good weather, much less in pouring rain.

However, three young men braved the elements to help a motorist and her son who were stranded on the Seletar Expressway (SLE).

In a Facebook post, Loh Wai Peng related that she was driving home on Saturday (September 26) with her son around 11.30pm.

They were traveling down the highway when his car began to slow down after he heard a loud bang. He stopped to check the car and discovered that a tire had broken.

Not knowing how to change the tires, the woman had to call a tow truck. But getting the insurer to organize a trailer frustrated the driver.

The insurer couldn’t locate his policy because its system was down, Loh said, and he couldn’t remember his policy number.

Desperate for help, she raised her voice above the call and told the insurer that she would pay for the towing first.

Her son started crying because he “thought they couldn’t go home and would be caught in a flood” due to the downpour, he wrote.

By then it was past midnight. She comforted her son while she waited for a response from her insurer.

Help arrived minutes later, but it was from three young men who approached his car in the rain.

One of them knocked on her door and offered to help her change her tire if she had a spare on her car.

She accepted their help and the trio managed to change the tire in about 10 minutes. Although she stopped near them to check that they were okay, they asked her to return to the car to accompany her distressed son.

After changing the tire, one of them even reminded him to drive slowly.

“I was so relieved when my son and I were finally able to continue on our way home,” she said.

After tending to their own car, the young men had walked down the road to help other affected drivers, the woman shared.

As it turned out, several motorists traveling along that stretch of road suffered tire breakage when hitting a pothole.

A driver shared videos of his car’s flat tire that same night, warning others about a pothole in the SLE.

Another said he saw a deep pothole in the second lane and saw about seven vehicles with blown tires on the shoulder of the road.

As she shook hands with each young man and thanked them for their help before leaving, the woman regretted not asking their names.

Sharing a photo of the trio walking back to their car in the rain, she wrote, “Thank you so much for doing everything you can to help us. You have been blessed with kind hearts and I wish the three of you all the best and happy.” . “

The incident also served as a lesson for her son: the woman taught him to be grateful for the help they received that night and said it will remind him of the “three gor gors (older brothers) in the rain “when she educates him on kindness.

His Facebook post went viral, garnering over 2,200 shares and lots of comments.

Netizens praised the youngsters for their gracious act and also offered help in their own way, suggesting drivers who encounter vehicle breakdowns on motorways to call EMAS’s free towing service.


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