The United States Senate confirms that the Supreme Court elected Barrett in a quasi-partisan vote, United States News & Top Stories


WASHINGTON (REUTERS) – The Republican-controlled United States Senate awarded President Donald Trump a major pre-election political victory on Monday (October 26) by confirming his Supreme Court candidate, Mrs. Amy Coney. Barrett, in a ceremony that took place just eight days before the presidency. choice.

The primetime event made for television on the White House lawn resembled that of a month ago when Barrett’s nomination was announced, which preceded a coronavirus outbreak among leading Republicans, including Trump himself.

It came just over an hour after the Republican-controlled Senate confirmed Barrett for the lifetime appointment on a 52-48 vote, with Democrats unified in opposition.

Her confirmation as successor to liberal judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died last month, creates a conservative 6-3 majority in the superior court. A Republican, Susan Collins, voted against confirmation.

Trump, who has been promoting the appointment at campaign rallies to cheers from his supporters, had lobbied the Senate to confirm Barrett, 48, ahead of the Nov.3 election, in which he follows Democrat Joe Biden. in national opinion polls. Never has a Supreme Court judge been confirmed so close to a presidential election.

“The Barrett family has captured the heart of America. It is very fitting that Judge Barrett is filling the sea with a true pioneer of women, Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, ”Trump said with a smiling Barrett at his side.

In contrast to the White House event last month, more people wore masks and seats were extended to ensure social distancing. Several of the Republican senators who voted to confirm that Barrett were present, though not Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has not been in the White House since August due to COVID-19 concerns.

Conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, dressed in his black judicial robes, administered one of two oaths that justices must take.

Barrett swears independence

In short comments, Barrett declared her independence from Trump and the political process even when the president backed her.

“The oath I have solemnly taken tonight essentially means that I will do the job without fear or favor and will do it regardless of political powers and my own preferences,” he said.

After the ceremony, Trump and Barrett greeted the applauding guests from the White House balcony.

Chief Justice John Roberts will administer the separate judicial oath in court on Tuesday, the court said in a statement.

The others appointed by Trump to the Supreme Court are conservatives Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.

Trump has said he expects the court to decide the outcome of the election and wants Barrett to participate in any election-related case that comes before the judges.

Just before the Senate vote, the court in a 5-3 vote with conservative justices in the majority, issued an order to curb the deadline for receiving ballots by mail on Wisconsin’s electoral battlefield.

Barrett’s confirmation shifts the Supreme Court further to the right, which could pave the way for conservative rulings that curb abortion rights, expand gun rights and limit voting rights, among other things.

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said the Republican majority was “setting his credibility on fire” by proceeding with the vote so close to the election after blocking Democratic President Barack Obama’s election-year candidate in 2016.

“The truth is that this nomination is part of a decades-long effort to tilt the judiciary towards the extreme right,” he added.

McConnell defended Barrett’s nomination.

“We have no doubt, right, that if the shoe was on the other foot, they would confirm it,” McConnell said. “Not everyone can win and the elections have consequences.”

The move sparked outrage on the left, with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, one of the more liberal members of Congress, tweeting, “expand the court.” That’s a reference to adding more judges to balance the three appointed by Trump.

No candidate for the Supreme Court had been confirmed by the Senate this close to a presidential election. Trump has been promoting the appointment at campaign rallies to cheers from his supporters.

Trump has said he hopes the court will decide the outcome of the election between himself and Democrat Joe Biden and wants Barrett to participate in any election-related case that comes before the judges.

Barrett, a federal appeals court judge, is Trump’s third selection for the court, allowing him to dramatically remake it as part of his success in moving the broader federal judiciary to the right since taking office in 2017.

Obamacare case

Barrett is expected to participate in the arguments Nov. 10 in a case in which Trump and the Republican-led states seek to overturn the Affordable Care Act.

The 2010 health care law, also known as Obamacare, has helped millions of Americans obtain health insurance and has prohibited private insurers from denying health coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.

Ms. Barrett has criticized past rulings supporting Obamacare, but said during her confirmation hearing that she did not have an agenda to invalidate the measure.

During her confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee two weeks ago, Ms. Barrett, a favorite of conservative Christians, upset Democrats by sidestepping questions about abortion, presidential powers, climate change, rights voting, Obamacare and other topics.

The Rose Garden ceremony on September 26 in which Trump named Ms Barrett as his nominee preceded a wave of Covid-19 cases among leading Republicans, including Trump and first lady Melania Trump.

The president spent three nights in hospital receiving treatment for Covid-19.

The event, part of which took place in the White House Rose Garden, was packed with guests, many of whom were not wearing masks.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told reporters that Monday’s event will likely take place outdoors.

“Tonight, we will do our best to encourage as much social distancing as possible,” Meadows said.

Sen. Kevin Cramer, a Republican and Trump ally, said he was not overly concerned about attending the White House event.

“I anticipate that everyone will practice good hygiene, social distancing, whatever is appropriate,” Cramer told reporters.

Several other Republican senators said they weren’t sure they would attend, and McConnell did not respond when asked by a reporter. Earlier this month, McConnell said he hadn’t been in the White House since August due to his handling of Covid-19 precautions.
