The Republican Party increasingly accepts Trump’s defeat, but not in public


South China morning post

Trump Campaign Continues Electoral Struggle In US, But Chances Are Fading

US President Donald Trump has yet to grant Joe Biden the election, but his chances of contesting the results are fading, and multiple lawsuits supporting his claims have been rejected or dropped in recent days. An hour-long legal strategy to prevent key states from certifying their votes, with a key court hearing Tuesday in Pennsylvania. It’s a strategy that, if successful, could theoretically trigger a rare event with the potential to favor Trump, but the likelihood of such a drastic turn of events, where state legislatures or Congress could get involved in those that are Electoral votes count, it’s slim, according to legal scholars. Get the latest insights and analysis from our Global Impact newsletter on the great stories originating from China. More than a week after Joe Biden was projected as the winner on November 8, the Trump campaign has yet to provide credible evidence supporting the president’s claims of voter fraud and election manipulation. Meanwhile, the integrity of the electoral process has been roundly endorsed by state and federal officials. “The Trump lawsuits lack facts about any problem, sound legal arguments or a remedy that will change the results given the wide margins in key states.” said Joshua Douglas, a professor at the University of Kentucky Rosenberg School of Law. “This election wasn’t closed, it just looked like this initially given the order in which some states counted their ballots, and mail-in ballots were counted last and Democrats are much more likely to vote by mail … no Let’s pretend that there is some possible merit here, ”he said. Biden beat Trump by tens of thousands of votes in Pennsylvania and more than 100,000 in Michigan, two states where the Trump campaign sought to block voting certification as of Tuesday morning. In the electoral college, the system that formally selects the president based on popular votes in each state, Biden captured 290 votes, with 270 needed to win. Some networks have cast Biden as the winner in Georgia, which is counting his votes, raising it to 306. Trump is lagging behind 232. Biden’s electoral advantage and the size of his margins in several states means that the “door is fairly closed “on any path to successful litigation over counts or contested tranches of ballots, according to Dan Urman, director of law and public policy at Northeastern University. “One of the reasons is simple math,” he said. The lawsuits that focus on states certifying their votes involve claims that vote-by-mail practices affected the rights of voters in Pennsylvania, and that poll watchers were unable to see ballot counts in Michigan. Stopping the certification would mean interrupting the process in which the states confirm the results of their popular vote and the names of the voters who will cast votes for the winning candidate. Dis-United States: Biden’s team faces the reality of government during Trumpism In every state, apart from Maine and Nebraska, the party of the candidate that wins the popular vote will control all state-designated electoral votes. Voters chosen by the party send their votes next month to be counted by Congress on January 6. States have different deadlines to certify their vote, but as long as they have all resolved any controversies by what is known as the “safe harbor” deadline, then those results are considered conclusive. This year, which falls on Dec. 8, legal experts say Trump’s bid to stop certification is unlikely to be successful. “Very serious accusations would be needed before a judge is willing to issue an order to stop the certification of the results,” said Robert. Tsai, a professor at Boston University School of Law. In theory, if a judge stopped a certification process, it could “create enough chaos” for state legislators to try to intervene to identify state voters, according to Tsai. a Republican-controlled legislature could play a role in the votes cast in the electoral college. But state legislators who enter such a situation could “risk overthrowing the preference of their constituents,” Tsai said. Republican leaders in key states have already said they are unwilling to go down this path. Donald Trump says Joe Biden won a ‘rigged’ election, vows to continue to challenge the results Kermit Roosevelt, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania Carey School of Law, said votes from states that missed the safe harbor deadline could be challenged in Congress, but a legal offer to stop or delay certification would require “substantial evidence of fraud that cannot be quantified, meaning that there is enough fraud to affect the election, but the corresponding ballots cannot be identified and excluded. of the count, “according to Roosevelt. It does not seem that [the Trump campaign] more from South China Morning Post: * Four more years: Donald Trump freezes the 2024 presidential field * Coronavirus: Joe Biden warns that ‘more people may die’ If Donald Trump continues to block the transition * Donald Trump plans new hardline movements against China in the coming weeks, says an official. download our mobile application. Copyright 2020.
