The PAP must adapt to what Singaporeans want in politics: PM Lee


SINGAPORE: The ruling Singapore People’s Action Party (PAP) must adapt to what its citizens want in its politics, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Sunday (November 8).

In a speech at the party’s central executive committee (CEC) elections, Mr. Lee, who is also the party’s general secretary, acknowledged that Singapore is changing and that the party must not stand still.

“They still want stability and progress, job security and opportunities for themselves and their children,” he said.

“But increasingly, Singaporeans want other things as well,” he said. This includes being able to participate more actively in shaping society, having more checks and balances, more alternative voices, and scrutiny of government policies.

“These expectations and wishes will only grow with each generation of Singaporeans,” he said, adding that the 66-year-old party must continue to represent all Singaporeans, and not just a segment of the population.

Lee said the party has managed to stay in power “by constantly rejuvenating us and keeping our policies fresh.” The PAP must continue to do this, he said, which is why its fourth generation of leaders has been leading initiatives to encourage people to come forward and express themselves, such as through Emerging Stronger Conversations.

“Our hope is that through these platforms, Singaporeans feel empowered to make a difference and contribute to society, working hand in hand with PAP,” he said.

Trying to stay relevant is also the reason the party has introduced new leaders in every general election, such as the last group of PAP members to join parliament after the July ballots.

Some of them have joined the cabinet to “help the PAP provide Singapore with the leadership it needs,” Lee said.

While saying that leadership renewal remains a top priority, Lee reiterated the promise he made to help Singapore weather both the current COVID-19 and the economic crisis.


Mr. Lee acknowledged in his speech that the results of the July elections fell short of the party’s expectations, although “he was not completely surprised.”

Before the elections, observers had predicted a landslide victory for the PAP, as they thought voters would “flee to safety” amid the pandemic, he said.

“I never believed this. On the day of the nomination, I said that I didn’t think it was a realistic result. I was confident that Singaporeans strongly supported the government’s efforts against COVID-19… but I also knew that public health was not the only thing on the minds of voters. “

People had already been feeling the pain of safe distancing measures and financial consequences, losing their jobs and income, or worrying about their future. At the same time, businesses were also frustrated by the COVID-19 restrictions.

“The anxiety was palpable and it cost us votes,” he said.

Aside from public health and bread and butter issues, the desire for a stronger opposition had grown during several elections and resurfaced during the last round, Lee noted.

Despite these trends, the unequivocal signal from voters was that they wanted the PAP to form the government and see Singapore through the challenges ahead, he said.

“Even many of those who voted for the opposition did so in the full hope that the PAP government would return to power and Singapore would remain in good hands,” he suggested.

“The result is already certain, so it is not necessary to be sure. It’s a strange dilemma that we face, but that’s the way it is, ”Lee said.

He stressed that the party will carefully review the election results and draw lessons from them, noting that National Development Minister Desmond Lee has been seeking input from its activists and branches.

In turn, these activists have provided comments in areas such as which constituencies the party should pay more attention to and how they can best get their message across.

The party, he said, should not neglect the political contest.

“We must work harder to translate programs and policies that benefit Singaporeans into messages that people can relate to and accept (and) are ready to face closer scrutiny, both inside and outside Parliament,” Lee said.

When there is fair criticism, the party must listen to it and improve its performance. But it should also take the fight to the opposition and defend itself “energetically” against the things it stands for.

“If we are not prepared to fight hard for what we believe in, people will soon feel it,” he said.

“All these years, people have been with us because they knew we had courage: we will fight even with our backs to the wall and we will never let them down.”

“This is how we have been able to gain support for our ideas and plans, and we have shown the Singaporeans that we remain the best team to secure their future.”
