Taiwanese artist Alien Huang died of aortic dissection


TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Preliminary results of an autopsy performed on Alien Huang (黃鴻 升) revealed that the late Taiwanese artist appeared to have died as a result of an aortic dissection and blocked blood vessels.

On the morning of September 16, the late singer, actor, television host, illustrator, and fashion designer, also known as Xiao Gui (小鬼, Little Ghost), was discovered by his unresponsive 59-year-old father. When paramedics arrived on the scene, Huang was wearing only a white t-shirt and was lying on his stomach just outside the bathroom, bleeding from his nose and mouth, while his lips were swollen, he had evidently been dead for some time.

No signs of drugs or alcohol were found at the scene, nor did they see any signs of fighting or intrusion from other parties. Although his family initially refused to allow Huang to undergo an autopsy, the Taipei District Attorney’s Office requested the procedure because the police believed that the circumstances of his death were still in doubt, and the position of his body and a external examination had not provided a conclusive result. .

The autopsy was performed at 2:30 pm on Friday (September 18) and forensic pathologists found that he suffered from cardiovascular disease. Huang’s agent, who goes by the name Dino, revealed that experts believe his death was caused by a vascular blockage caused by an aortic dissection, the CNA reported.

Hsu Jung-pin (許榮彬), director of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery and Surgery at National Taiwan University Hospital, told the media on Friday that aortic dissection is mainly caused by poor control of high blood pressure. If high blood pressure is not well controlled, in the long term, the blood can pass through the wall of the blood vessels and cause dissection.

The higher the blood pressure, the greater the risk of this happening, Hsu said. She added that this condition is more likely to occur in people between the ages of 50 and 60.

If the aortic dissection is done with a young person, the chance of a genetic disorder such as Marfan syndrome is higher. Hsu said that in the case of this disease, as long as one of the parents has the syndrome, their child has a 50 percent chance of inheriting it.

The most common characteristic among Marfan’s patients is being very tall and thin, with very long hands and feet. The blood vessel walls in these patients are relatively weak and easy to break.

Hsu said that regardless of the type of aortic dissection, it happens suddenly. The patient will experience severe chest pain, gasping, dizziness, numbness, and even coma.

After aortic dissection occurs, it can cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels, leading to stroke or myocardial infarction. Another condition that could result is blood clots that compress the heart, endangering life.

He noted that most patients die suddenly at onset, which is the leading cause of sudden death in Taiwan. However, because symptoms such as stroke and heart attack are often present. If there is no autopsy, it can be difficult to determine that aortic dissection is the culprit.

However, if medical care is provided quickly enough, the patient’s survival rate can reach 70% to 80%. To prevent aortic dissection, Hsu asked people with hypertension to carefully monitor and control their condition.

As for people with Marfan syndrome, if diagnosed with the condition, they can take medications to lower their blood pressure and heart rate, thereby reducing the load on the blood vessels.
