Sports Masks Review: Asics Runners Face Cover and Under Armor Sportsmask, Style News & Top Stories


SINGAPORE – First came the Under Armor Sportsmask in June. Then the Asics Runner Face Cover in July. Since their launch, sports goggles have been a subject of curiosity and controversy for their bold promise to keep one safe while exercising.

For one thing, experts warn of possible suffocation when exercising with a mask. On the other hand, scoffing detractors point to the logical fallacy of being able to exhale enthusiastically, unmasked, during exercise. Do water droplets from the body somehow achieve immunity during a gym session?

Research suggests that face coverings help contain the transmission of droplets or the spread of infections through exposure to respiratory droplets that contain viruses from an infected person. Some masks, such as surgical ones, are more protective than others.

Both brands advertise the masks as designed for maximum breathability while reducing the spread of droplets from the wearer.

Clara Lock of The Straits Times and freelance fitness trainer Samuel Tan put these controversial pandemic creations to the test.

Asics Runners face cover, $ 55

I’m intrigued by the idea of ​​a mask that won’t choke you while running.

But because my horribly disabled me can’t climb a flight of stairs without gasping for air, I enlisted 23-year-old independent fitness trainer Samuel Tan (@samueltgk) to do the dirty work for me and review the Asics Runners Face Cover. ($ 55).

When we got back together, Mr. Tan tried hard. The good sport he used it during a steady jog, high intensity runs, and even bodyweight workouts.

Mr Tan used it during a steady jog, high intensity runs, and even bodyweight workouts. ST PHOTO: CHONG JUN LIANG

“As a beginner wearing a jogging mask, I think the Asics mask is very comfortable and feels non-existent,” he tells me. “It fits my face perfectly and the adjustable straps on the back make it easy to wear. The mask is made of mesh that allows it to keep its shape even after countless hand washes.”

According to a fact sheet, strategically placed vents on this face cover created specifically for runners provide unobstructed airflow and prevent the spread of droplets.

The curved design of the mask, which is said to create more space inside for easier breathing when running, achieves the desired result with this enthusiastic reviewer.

“What I like about this mask is the fact that I was able to breathe comfortably while running. There is a gap between the inner wall of the mask and my face, so it doesn’t trap the heat from the constant exhalation,” said Mr. So says.

To my skepticism, he replies: “I didn’t feel suffocated during the race because there was a lot of room to breathe, it doesn’t stick to your face while you breathe. I ran for 5 km and not once did I feel like I couldn’t breathe properly.

And would you use it again in future training sessions?

“Definitely for any form of exercise.”

Well then okay.

The Asics Runners Face Cover is available on this website.

Under Armor Sports Mask, $ 35

I long for the day when wearing masks is a thing of the past.

How we used to take fresh air for granted! These days, even when I’m not thirsty, I take a sip from my water bottle to give myself the least chance to breathe freely.

Breathing is easy for writer Clara Lock when she wears the Under Armor Sport Mask for a low-impact outdoor yoga class for beginners. PHOTO SAN: CLARA LOCK

So it is with some apprehension that I wear the Under Armor Sportsmask for exercise.

It is touted for offering better airflow, a secure but comfortable fit and a more internal fabric that is cooling and antimicrobial. The nose wire is moldable without being stiff and the soft straps are soft on my ears.

Everything feels thick and luxurious, like you have a pillow on your face. Certainly comfortable if I want to lie on my cheek for a nap, but will they suffocate me during a workout?

The Under Armor sports mask is touted for offering better airflow. PHOTO: COURTESY OF UNDER ARMOR

I start with a low-impact, outdoor yoga class for beginners, in which the use of masks is not mandatory.

Within the first 15 minutes, I see the first beads of sweat on my mat as I hold a plank pose.

Still, breathing is easy. The structured design means that my lips and nostrils never touch the inside of the mask. Inhaling is almost effortless.

When the hour is up, I even have to remind myself to remove the mask during savasana, or the final resting pose.

So far, very comfortable. I amplify it with a high intensity interval training workout from the Nike Training Club app.

Again, the mask feels great during a low-impact warm-up, and even during cycling crunches and oblique twists during the core-centered component.

But when plyometrics, or jump training, kicks in, it becomes harder to catch your breath. Short spells between sets of jump squats and jump lunges, aimed at resting, turn into a race to slow my pounding heart.

The air becomes warmer with each exhale. Finally, I give up and remove my mask. Sweet relief.

For comparison, I do the same exercise with the first reusable cloth mask issued by the government in April.

Although flat and much thinner, it sticks to my nose and mouth and my breathing becomes even more labored. I last the five minutes before taking off the mask.

At $ 35, the Under Armor Sportsmask isn’t cheap, but it far beats non-sports masks.

It’s a worthy investment for an added sense of security as gyms and fitness classes become more crowded, or while doing semi-strenuous activities like rock climbing, where a mask is required.

Maybe, like me, you also forget to take it off when you’re done.

The Under Armor Sportsmask will be available on this website and in stores starting next Friday.
