Some nightlife businesses allowed to reopen with COVID-19 security measures under the pilot program


SINGAPORE: A “limited number” of nightlife establishments will be allowed to reopen with COVID-19 security measures implemented under a pilot program, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MTI) and the Ministry of the Interior (MHA) said on Friday ) ( November 6th).

“The Government has been in close consultation with the nightlife industry to understand their concerns and has agreed to allow a limited number of nightlife establishments to reopen as pilots with strict safe management measures,” the ministries said in a statement from press set.

The multi-ministerial COVID-19 task force announced on October 20 that bars, pubs, nightclubs, discos and karaoke lounges “will not be allowed to reopen in their original form for some time, as the nature of their activities poses a high risk of COVID-19 Transmission “.

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“Even if the pilots turn out well, the nightlife industry is not expected to resume operations in its original form for a considerable period of time,” MTI and MHA said.

“Therefore, the government has put together an assistance package to help nightlife establishments shift to permitted activities or exit the industry.”


The ministries said they are working with various nightlife business associations to identify “a small number” of nightlife establishments to participate in the pilots.

Participants must adopt safe management measures, including ensuring that all customers wear masks at all times, except while eating and drinking. This includes customers who are on the dance floor or singing. Alcohol cannot be sold, served or consumed after 10:30 PM.

All customers entering karaoke lounges and nightclubs must have tested negative for COVID-19 24 hours prior to the end of activity at the nightlife establishment. They must have had a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or rapid antigen test (ART).

In response to a query from the CNA on Friday night, MTI and MHA said pre-event testing can be implemented by pilot establishments on site. Alternatively, clients may be required to be tested at the clinics prior to their visit.

CCTVs in establishments must be deployed and activated at all times, to cover all parts of the common areas and rooms used for activities, the ministries said.

“The recordings should be stored for at least 28 days, so that law enforcement agencies regularly review compliance with safe management measures,” the press release said.

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Establishments must comply with these measures at all times. Those found to have violated them will face penalties and may be removed from the pilot, the ministries said.

Enforcement agencies will monitor participating establishments and their clients’ compliance with security measures to assess whether it will be safe to allow the industry to resume limited operations after the pilot or remain closed.

In the case of a COVID-19 cluster in these establishments, the Government may suspend or terminate the pilots.


The pilot for pubs and bars will begin in December and will last two months.

The pilot tests for karaoke rooms and nightclubs will only begin in January 2021.

This is to allow karaoke lounges and nightclubs more time to make the necessary preparations, as they will be asked to ensure that all customers entering their facilities have tested negative for COVID-19. within 24 hours before the end of the activity. said the ministries.

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The pilots for karaoke rooms and discos will last three months.

This is because more time is required to assess the industry’s readiness to reopen, in light of the much higher risks and more stringent safe handling measures required in these settings, MTI and MHA said.

“The pilots aim to establish the feasibility and robustness of the strict safe management measures that will need to be implemented, and the nightlife industry’s ability to comply with them, before the Government considers allowing a further resumption of the business of nightlife, “said the press. liberation said.


Nightlife establishments that do not participate in the pilots may choose to “pivot towards other permitted activities,” such as food and beverage operations, the ministries said.

“MTI has worked with regulatory agencies, including the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) and the Singapore Food Agency (SFA), to streamline the application process for nightlife establishments looking to pivot toward F&B operations.” the press release said.

“Requests to switch to alternative business uses in addition to F&B, such as offices or gyms, will also be evaluated by the relevant agencies on a case-by-case basis.”

From now until March 31, 2021, nightlife establishments wishing to “pivot” into other permitted activities can apply for a grant of up to S $ 50,000 from Enterprise Singapore to defray qualified costs incurred during the pivot process, such as equipment. and third parties. consulting costs

“ESG is prepared to extend this support to nightlife establishments that had taken the initiative to change their business activity previously, on a case-by-case basis.”

Nightlife venues exiting the industry can also apply for ESG between now and March 31, 2021, for an ex gratia payment of S $ 30,000 to defray the costs of going out of business.

“For employees who are laid off as a result of layoff, employers must adhere to the contractually stipulated downsizing benefit or follow the downsizing benefits standards set forth in the Tripartite Notice on Managing Surplus Manpower and responsible reduction, “said MTI and MHA.

“For any downsizing benefits paid to local employees, employers can also seek financial support to defray one month of salary2 paid to each employee. We will also continue to work with industry partners to help affected employees find employment. alternative”.

Nightlife venues will only be eligible for any of the financial support packages.

Interested parties should contact the Singapore Nightlife Business Association (SNBA) at [email protected] for more information on financial support packages and how to apply.

Upon receipt of any of the financial support packages, the company will not be able to participate in the pilot program or any subsequent resumption of nightlife operations for at least 12 months.


Companies that meet the eligibility criteria can also access the Simplified Insolvency Program of the Ministry of Law (MinLaw), which will help them restructure their debts or liquidate their company.

Sole proprietors and partnerships can take advantage of the sole proprietorship and partnership (SPP) scheme to restructure their business debts, MTI and MHA said.

MinLaw has introduced a legislative readjustment framework under COVID-19 (temporary measures) to allow companies that have experienced a “substantial change in circumstances due to COVID-19” to renegotiate certain prescribed contracts with their counterparties, failing which they may be able to terminate the contract.

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