Singapore local team agencies on ‘heightened alert’ after terrorist attacks in Europe


SINGAPORE: Singapore’s security agencies have been on heightened alert since early September following terrorist attacks in Europe and other parts of the world, the Home Office (MHA) said on Tuesday (November 24).

As part of the “enhanced security posture”, the Department of Homeland Security (ISD) has launched investigations into 37 individuals, including some related to the Singapore Police Force (SPF).

“While a handful of these people had commented on the same discussion threads on social media, most of the cases are not connected to each other,” the ministry said in a press release.

There is no indication that any of them were planning attacks or protests in Singapore, he added.

LEE: 26-year-old Bangladesh arrested under ISA after investigations into ‘terrorism-related activities’

The SPF and the Immigration Control and Control Authority (ICA) have also improved their security measures and patrols.

“Since the reissue of the cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad by the French magazine Charlie Hebdo on September 1, there have been a number of terrorist attacks in France,” MHA noted.

The attacks include the beheading of French teacher Samuel Paty, who had shown his class two of the cartoons.

Attacks such as those in Saudi Arabia and Austria also signal a threat to French or Western interests, the ministry said. A “palpable anti-France climate” has developed in several countries, with large protests, calls for boycotts and a rise in terrorist rhetoric online.

“In view of the deteriorating security situation, the local team has been on heightened security alert since the beginning of September and has also stepped up its security measures to prevent copycat attacks in Singapore,” MHA said.


Speaking at the 16th Religious Rehabilitation Group Seminar held at the Khadija Mosque on Tuesday, the Minister of Home Affairs and Law, K Shanmugam, said that the “form and nature” of the terrorist threat has changed since last year.

While the Islamic State has lost much of its physical territory in several countries and assassinated key leaders, it is now a covert network, Shanmugam noted.

“His propaganda on social media continues to radicalize and inspire attacks around the world, including here in Southeast Asia.”

Counter-terrorism efforts in the region have reduced the number of attacks, but terrorists are adapting, he said. The attacks in France and Austria also highlight that the threat of terrorism persists, he added.

Following Paty’s assassination, French President Emmanuel Macron defended the right in France to publish cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

“That speech received a strong backlash from Muslims around the world, with some describing France’s actions as Islamophobic. Jihadists have pounced on it, calling on their followers to attack French interests and to attack anyone who insults. to Islam and how they define it as an insult to Islam, “said Mr. Shanmugam.

“We all know that jihadists do not represent Islam, there are people like that in all religions who resort to violence. So it is not a problem with any particular religion, but there will always be people like that. It is a question of how they deal with it. they “.

ISD has “stepped up” counter-terrorism investigations into suspicious activities, people suspected of being radicalized and people whose conduct could “threaten Singapore’s community harmony,” the MHA said.

Singaporeans and foreigners who have been investigated had “attracted security attention for suspicions of radical leanings, or for making comments that incited violence or fueled communal unrest,” MHA said.

“In particular, these people … supported the beheading of Samuel Paty and subsequent attacks in France and elsewhere, or incited violence against France or French President Emmanuel Macron in retaliation for the French government’s defense of cartoons of Charlie Hebdo. Some had made disparaging remarks against Muslims. “

Of the 37 people, 14 are Singaporeans. The 10 men and the four women are between 19 and 62 years old.

“Most of them, in response to the recent terrorist attacks in France, made posts on social media that incited violence or fueled communal unrest,” MHA said. Investigations on these people are ongoing.

Of the 23 foreigners, 16 have been repatriated after ISD completed its investigations. The seven remaining foreigners are still under investigation.

Among them was a Malaysian who intended to travel to Syria or Palestine to join the armed violence. The other 15 are Bangladeshi, most of whom worked in the construction industry, and posted on social media that incited violence or fueled community unrest in response to the terrorist attacks in France.

One of the 15 Bangladeshis was Ahmed Faysal, 26, who was arrested under the Internal Security Act following investigations into “terrorism-related activities”. MHA said Faysal is not linked to the incidents in France.

“These recent events in Europe and Singapore remind us that the threat of terrorism lives on, despite the military defeat of ISIS and the dismantling of its self-proclaimed caliphate in Syria and Iraq,” said MHA. “The home team remains vigilant and will not hesitate to take strong action against any individual who advocates violence.”


In his speech, Mr. Shamugam said that while Singapore and France are secular and guarantee freedom of religion, Singapore achieves it differently.

“France says they prefer to achieve it with a hands-off approach, we are interventionists, we intervene. We take the position that the right to speak freely … goes with the duty to act responsibly,” he said.

“Free speech for us stops at the limit of offending religion. There is a fence, that fence protects religious sensibilities. The Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, if they were here, would have told them to stop. ISD would visit them. and they would be arrested, “added Shanmugam.

“We believe that we can build a multi-religious and multi-racial society based on trust. And only by taking a firm stand against hate speech and dealing with all communities fairly and fairly.”

In subsequent statements to the media, Mr. Shamugam said that the Government maintains secularity in various ways.

This includes ensuring that policies are neutral and fair for all, while protecting all religions and guaranteeing freedom of religion.

“We intervene (to) try and support religious harmony. But working with the different religious groups and institutions, supporting them, working with them, trying to unite them all … is a work in progress, so far I think it has been an experience. positive.”
