Singapore Detained Under ISA For Participating In Yemen Civil War, Working As Agent Of ‘Foreign Power’


SINGAPORE: A 48-year-old Singaporean man has been detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) since March last year for participating “actively” in Yemen’s civil war, the Department of Homeland Security (ISD) said on Wednesday. 9).

Sheik Heikel Khalid Bafana, who was in Yemen from 2008 to 2019, volunteered to take up arms and also worked as a paid agent for a “foreign power” by collecting intelligence on Yemen, ISD said.

He was arrested by the ISA after returning to Singapore on February 5 last year.

“Heikel’s case was not disclosed earlier because the investigations into his activities in Yemen were complex and the earlier disclosure would have jeopardized ongoing investigations,” ISD said.

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The announcement comes two weeks after authorities said Ahmad Faysal, a 26-year-old Bangladeshi working in Singapore, was arrested under the ISA on November 2 for terrorism-related activities.

As part of Singapore’s increased security posture following terrorist attacks in Europe and elsewhere, the Home Office said last month it launched investigations against 37 people for allegedly radical leanings or for making comments that incited violence or fueled violence. communal disturbances.


Heikel and his family emigrated to Yemen around 2008, where he ran a consultancy that advised foreign companies on security risks and business opportunities, ISD said.

“While he was there, he helped one of the factions in the civil war and volunteered to take up arms and fight alongside this faction,” he added.

“He also acted as an intermediary between this faction and the foreign power, in an effort to secure military equipment, supplies and funds for military training.”

The civil war is between the Houthi movement aligned with Iran and the Yemeni government backed by Saudi Arabia. It has killed 100,000 people in what the United Nations described as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

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Apart from around 2012 to 2018, Heikel collected intelligence on Yemen for the foreign power, for which he was paid “substantial amounts,” ISD said, adding that his dealings with the foreign power were “clandestine” in nature.

After 2011, when the security situation in Yemen deteriorated and Singaporeans were evacuated, Heikel stayed, ISD said.

He was arrested after returning to Singapore with his family in February last year. “His family members have not been involved in his activities in Yemen,” added ISD.

ISD did not provide a photo of Heikel.

He said he is now publishing the case to underscore Singapore’s “tough stance” against anyone who supports, promotes, undertakes or makes preparations to undertake gun violence.

“Regardless of how they ideologically rationalize that violence, or where the violence occurs, that person has shown a dangerous tendency to support the use of violence,” he added.

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Heikel compounded this by serving the interests of a foreign power for financial gain, ISD said.

“By engaging in a foreign armed conflict and working as a paid agent for a foreign power, Heikel has acted in a manner detrimental to Singapore’s security and interests,” it added.

ISD also gave an update on Faysal, the Bangladeshi who was arrested in November, saying he has been issued an arrest warrant under the ISA to facilitate ongoing investigations into his terrorism-related activities.


Three Singaporeans who were detained under the ISA for engaging in terrorism-related activities were also released and placed on a restraining order (RO), the ISD said.

It is about Muhammad Fadil Abdul Hamid, 31, who radicalized himself; Husaini Ismail, former member of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), 61 years old; and another self-radicalized individual Rosli Hamzah, 54.

“They have shown good progress in their rehabilitation and it was assessed that they no longer pose a security threat requiring pretrial detention,” ISD said.

People in RO cannot travel outside of Singapore or change addresses or jobs without approval. They also may not issue public statements, address public meetings, or print, distribute, or contribute to any publication without approval.

READ: 17-year-old high school student detained under ISA for supporting the Islamic State

Fadil was previously detained under the ISA from 2010 to 2012 because he intended to participate in acts of gun violence in Afghanistan, ISD said. He was released in 2012 and placed in an RO.

In April 2016, Fadil was detained again when investigations showed that he had returned to the belief that militant jihad was the easiest way to achieve martyrdom and that he intended to fight alongside ISIS or other militant groups in Syria, ISD said. He was released in an RO in April.

Husaini was detained under the ISA in June 2012 after being deported to Singapore from Indonesia a month earlier, ISD said. Husaini had fled Singapore following security operations against the JI network in December 2001.

While on the run, he participated in the plot to hijack a plane and crash it into Changi Airport in January 2002, ISD said. Husaini was released in an RO in June.

Rosli was detained under the ISA in August 2016 after harboring intentions to travel to Syria to fight alongside ISIS, the agency said. He was released in an RO in August.


Meanwhile, the ROs issued against five Singaporeans were allowed to expire at expiration as they have shown good progress in their rehabilitation, ISD said.

Mohamed Mohideen Mohamed Jais, 30, had served as an armed sentry in Yemen while conducting religious studies there from 2009 to 2011, the ISD said. It was granted an RO in March 2016. It was allowed to expire in March of this year.

A self-radicalized Singaporean who supported ISIS received an RO in July 2016, ISD said. He was 17 at the time and the ISD did not name him. Your RO was allowed to expire in July of this year.

Mohamad Reiney Noor Mohd, 30, began supporting ISIS after finding the militant group’s propaganda online, ISD said. It was granted an RO in August 2016. It was allowed to expire in August of this year.

Asrul Alias, 37, also self-radicalized, having actively searched for pro-ISIS materials online and shared them on Facebook and WhatsApp with the intention of spreading the group’s ideology, ISD said. You were awarded an RO in August 2016. Your RO was allowed to expire in August of this year.

Former JI member Ishak Mohamed Noohu was arrested in November 2006 and released in RO in November 2012, ISD said. Like Husaini, Ishak had fled Singapore and was involved in the plot to crash a plane at Changi Airport. Your RO was allowed to expire in October.
