Russia Completes First Trials of Second Possible COVID-19 Vaccine


MOSCOW (Reuters) – Siberia’s vector virology institute on Tuesday completed early-stage human trials, known as Phase II, of a possible second Russian vaccine against COVID-19, the state consumer safety watchdog said. , quoted by the Interfax news agency.

Russia registered its first candidate vaccine, developed by Moscow’s Gamaleya Institute, in August. Late-stage trials of this vaccine were launched last week, involving 40,000 participants.

Human trials of the second possible COVID-19 vaccine, a peptide-based injection, began on July 27 and involved a group of 100 volunteers, Interfax said, citing watchdog Rospotrebnadzor.

“Today … the last group of 20 volunteers was discharged from the hospital,” he said in a statement. “All 100 volunteers were vaccinated with two doses and completed a 23-day follow-up period in the hospital. The volunteers feel fine.”

The results will be published on September 30, Interfax said.

(Reporting by Maria Kiselyova; writing by Polina Ivanova; editing by Gareth Jones and David Evans)
