Rules for visiting and launching yusheng: 7 things to keep in mind this Chinese new year amid COVID-19


SINGAPORE: Eight visitors a day in a home and no screaming as they throw yusheng – This Chinese New Year will be much calmer given the new COVID-19 restrictions announced on Friday (January 22).

The stricter measures come amid a recent increase in community cases and the potential risk of transmission during the holiday period.

“Let us be mentally prepared that this year’s Chinese New Year is not the same as before,” Education Minister and COVID-19 task force co-chair Lawrence Wong said at a press conference.

“It will be quieter, it will be more moderate. And we will have to be more disciplined in the way we conduct our daily activities and interactions.”

Here’s what to keep in mind before welcoming the Year of the Ox.


There will be no large family gatherings this year as each home should only receive up to eight visitors per day.

This restriction will take effect from January 26 and is intended to mitigate the risk of large community groups arising from infections that spread within a home and through them to all your contacts.

People should also limit themselves to visiting a maximum of two other homes a day as much as possible, the Ministry of Health (MINSA) said.

Authorities encouraged members of the public to “connect digitally” with family and friends rather than making physical visits.

graphic what you can and cannot do chinese new year covid-19 rules


People should be used to putting on the masks when they leave their houses. But the Health Ministry said he must also keep them on during his visit.

“People are reminded to wear masks at all times when away from home, including when visiting someone else’s home,” the ministry said.

“Refrain from eating and / or drinking while walking in public places so that you can keep the mask on.”

The COVID-19 multi-ministry task force also reminded people to turn on their TraceTogether app or carry their TraceTogether token at all times, including when entertaining or visiting others at home.

Archive photo of lo hei yusheng

File photo of diners throwing yusheng during Chinese New Year. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Jan)


If you choose to go out to dinner, remember to keep your masks on during the yusheng toss.

The “lohei” should be done without verbalizing the usual auspicious phrases, and diners are reminded to avoid raising their voices, Mr. Wong said. This is in line with current rules on wearing a mask when diners are not eating or drinking.

Food and beverage establishments and businesses serving the holiday dish must ensure that both staff and customers meet these requirements, authorities said.


Extended family reunion dinner may not be possible in restaurants as multi-table reservations are not yet allowed.

An exception is made for those who belong to the same household, although mixing between tables is still prohibited. The authorities also encouraged people to keep a small social circle rather than mix with multiple social groups.

A woman takes a picture of the Chinese New Year decorations

A woman takes a photo of the Chinese New Year decorations in Singapore on January 19, 2021 (Photo: AFP / Roslan Rahman).


There will be no festivities at work this Chinese New Year as companies have been reminded not to host meetings or activities such as lohei or meals. Such activities are not considered work-related events and are not permitted under current rules.

Working from home should remain the default option to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission in the workplace, Singapore’s tripartite partners said.


The use of e-hongbao is encouraged this year. Not only is it better for the environment, it will also help reduce bank lines for new bills. E-hongbao will also allow “remote gifts” on a variety of visits, including during virtual Chinese New Year gatherings, the Monetary Authority of Singapore said earlier this month.

For those who prefer to stick to tradition, they will need to make reservations online with their banks to obtain new physical notes. With the exception of people 60 and over and people with disabilities, an online appointment is required before heading to the bank.

READ: Banks See ‘Overwhelming’ Reserve Demand for New Banknotes; the use of e-hongbao is encouraged

Stock photo of giving red packages

Stock photo of red parcel delivery. (Photo: Jeremy Long)


Take note of the rules and avoid breaking the law if you want the Year of the Ox to start off on the right foot. Compliance checks in crowded food and drink establishments, shopping malls and other public spaces will intensify during the Chinese New Year period.

Strict enforcement measures will be taken against the roving public and commercial operators. Penalties for failing to comply with safe management measures for COVID-19 include fines and prosecution in court, depending on the severity of the violation.

For companies that do not comply with the measures, their operations will be suspended.

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