Phase 3 in Singapore: What to Expect ?, Singapore News


It’s been some time since Phase 2 began on June 19 and Phase 3 is officially on the horizon. This was recently confirmed by DPM Heng Swee Keat, who announced that plans for the next phase in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic will arrive in the coming weeks. While official details remain scant, experts have weighed in on various relief measures that could be taken.

This is what we have managed to gather from the updates in the news and gather information on what to expect in Phase 3.

Note: Covid-19 measures and updates are reviewed frequently. We ask that you keep an eye on and verify all the information.

What to expect in Phase 3 in Singapore

DPM Heng outlined a four-point strategy for Singapore’s safe reopening in the coming weeks, comprising:

  1. Ensure early access to effective vaccines
  2. Improved testing capabilities
  3. Carry out rapid follow-up of contacts and isolation of infected people.
  4. Comply with safe handling measures

This largely coincides with a previous update.

Phase 3 will undoubtedly be Singapore’s ‘new normal’ in many ways and will guide our way of life until an effective vaccine or treatment for Covid-19 becomes widely available. Here are some changes we can expect in Phase 3, based on the updates released so far.

Increase in maximum group size

The current limit of 5 people per group can be increased, allowing larger families and larger groups of friends to get together and eat together. However, lifting this restriction requires everyone’s continued cooperation to observe proper hygiene practices and keep our guard up.

Expansion of the organization of business and official trips

If the current business travel pass program shows favorable results, we will likely see an extension to include more employees. This will help companies with an international presence to resume essential business activities such as sales calls and training.

The number of bilateral green lanes intended to facilitate business and official travel is also likely to increase. The current reciprocal green lanes include China, Malaysia, Korea, Japan, and Indonesia.

Increase in air bubbles.

A step towards opening up leisure air travel again, Singapore will likely continue to pursue more travel bubble deals with different countries and cities, similar to the one signed with Hong Kong. Such agreements allow leisure travelers to avoid complying with quarantines, as long as they pass a Covid-19 test. This will help stimulate Singapore’s leisure travel industry.

Permanent invitations to travelers from more countries

In addition, the government is likely to open Singapore’s borders to more countries that can control the virus. Currently, the countries with standing invitations of this type are Brunei, New Zealand, Vietnam and Australia (excluding the state of Victoria). Adding more countries to the list will help foster growth in inbound tourism revenue.

New less invasive tests with faster results

Part of a successful reopening strategy is quick and accurate testing. Although Singapore can currently perform about 40,000 polymerase chain reaction tests per day, authorities continually seek higher testing standards. This could lead to the development and / or adoption of newer test methods that are less invasive and can produce results more quickly.

Despite all these changes, some measures and restrictions will continue to dictate our movements.

Measures and restrictions implemented so far

The reality is that Covid-19 has brought about radical changes in almost every aspect of our daily lives. Here we take a look at a summary list of some of the most important changes instituted since the lifting of the circuit breaker in June.

Notice of stay at home

Incoming travelers and Singaporeans are required to submit a mandatory Stay-at-Home Notice (SHN) lasting up to 14 days, either at their own residences or at specialized facilities. Depending on their travel itinerary, as well as their state of residence, they may have to pay for Covid-19 smear tests, specialized facility stays, and unsubsidized hospital stays if found to be infected.

A Covid-19 test can cost up to $ 200, while it costs $ 2,000 for a 14-day stay at a designated hotel for SHN purposes.

Use of masks

Masks should be worn at all times when in public, even in the office. The masks can be temporarily removed when exercising, eating, drinking or smoking. Children under the age of 6 do not need to wear masks, but face shields should be worn as much as possible.

Contact tracking

Entry and visits to public places and services require secure check-in or ID card scanning to facilitate contact runs in case of infections.

Safe distancing and restricted group size

Group size for social gatherings is limited to a maximum of 5, even if they are members of the same household. Groups of more than 5 must respect a safety distance of at least 1m between groups and members must not mix (such as when visiting a restaurant, cinema or shopping center). Inside the home, it is allowed to receive up to 5 visitors at a time.

On August 4, the 20-person count was increased to 30 at funerals and wakes. And as of October 3, up to 100 people are allowed for solemnization and wedding receptions.

Similarly, all religious organizations will be able to conduct congregational and other worship services for up to 100 people. All of the above is subject to a safe distance and safe handling measures.

Restricted capacity for multiple locations

The need for safe distancing also limited operational capacity in several locations, such as

  • Cinemas: up to 150 spectators separated into zones of no more than 50 spectators each
  • Gyms and fitness studios: 1 person per 10 square meters, with a maximum limit of 50 people at a time. A maximum of 5 people should be observed in any group with a safe distance of 2m (3m for strenuous activities).
  • Restaurants: Tables must be 1 meter apart and diners are limited to 5 per group. Self-service buffet lines and common services, such as drink dispensers, are not allowed.
  • Entertainment Venues: Bars, clubs, and concert halls are not allowed, as are other venues that draw large crowds and encourage conviviality.

Limited activity in offices

While work from home (WFH) remains the default, employers can arrange for employees to return to the office subject to the following conditions:

  1. These employees continue to work for the WFH for at least half of their working time.
  2. No more than half of these employees are in the workplace at any time

Workplace events and activities that take place within the office, such as seminars, conferences, and retreats, are allowed for up to 50 people. However, employers are also reminded to respect the safety distance and other measures. They should also continue to observe divided teams or shift arrangements. To help ease congestion during peak hours, employers are encouraged to stagger reporting hours.
