Parliament: $ 13.8 million spent on SafeEntry, TraceTogether digital contact tracing tools, political news and featured stories


SINGAPORE – A total of $ 13.8 million has been spent developing and acquiring the SafeEntry digital ledger system and the TraceTogether app and tokens, through September.

The cost of these digital contact tracing tools includes $ 2.4 million to develop the TraceTogether application, $ 5.2 million to develop SafeEntry, and $ 6.2 million to develop and acquire TraceTogether tokens.

The TraceTogether token is a portable device. Similar to the TraceTogether mobile app, the token works by exchanging Bluetooth signals with other nearby tokens or phones running the TraceTogether app.

So far, TraceTogether has helped identify around 25,000 close contacts of Covid-19 cases, of which 160 subsequently tested positive for Covid-19, Health Minister Gan Kim Yong said in a written response to Mr Parliamentary questions. . Kang) and Ms. He Ting Ru (Sengkang GRC) on Monday (Nov 2).

He said: “It has enabled early identification and isolation of cases, faster than would have been possible with manual tracing.”

Gan added that the actual amount spent on contact tracing tools will depend on several factors, including the actual number of Singapore residents who need a token.

The government will also continue to invest in improving SafeEntry and TraceTogether tools, such as looking for ways to improve the convenience of SafeEntry registries and acquiring more tokens to meet needs, he said.

Authorities have begun integrating the SafeEntry feature into TraceTogether tokens and will continue to study how the two systems can be more deeply integrated, Gan added.

Currently, users can scan the QR code on the back of the TraceTogether token to enter a place that uses the SafeEntry system, rather than having to use their NRIC, he said.

About 570,000 users have collected their tokens as of Nov. 1, and about 2.7 million have downloaded the TraceTogether app, said Gan, who is co-chair of the multi-ministry task force addressing Covid-19.

Starting November 16, all cinemas will require visitors to register with the TraceTogether app or token. They will no longer be able to enter by scanning SafeEntry QR codes with their phone cameras, the SingPass mobile app, or NRIC barcodes.

The mandatory use of the TraceTogether app or token to sign up will also be rolled out to restaurants, workplaces, schools and shopping malls in late December as Singapore prepares to enter the third phase of reopening.

Responding to Ms He, who asked why TraceTogether will be mandatory for certain situations, Gan said that it is necessary to ensure comprehensive coverage of digital tools to avoid a resurgence of cases such as in some parts of the world that do not have a robust system contact tracking.

He said: “The effectiveness of TraceTogether increases as more users join. Therefore, we encourage more Singaporeans to join the TraceTogether program, either by downloading the app or by collecting and using the token.”

Singaporeans are encouraged to collect their TraceTogether tokens from community clubs in their area and to use the Token Go Where website to see when the distribution schedule will begin.

While the target number of tokens to be produced now is about 2.7 million, this number can be adjusted based on demand, the minister in charge of the Smart Nation Initiative, Vivian Balakrishnan, previously said.
