Ministers Masagos and Maliki Disagree with WP MP Faisal on Allowing Tudung in Uniformed Jobs, Singapore News


SINGAPORE – Singapore’s approach to addressing sensitive issues such as the use of the tudung or headscarf in certain professions is to debate them behind closed doors, as open discussion can have serious ramifications and impact religious harmony.

The minister in charge of Muslim Affairs, Masagos Zulkilfi, and the minister in the prime minister’s office, Maliki Osman, made this point when responding to a suggestion by the Workers’ Party MP Faisal Manap (Aljunied GRC) to allow nurses Muslim women wear the tudung as part of their uniform.

Both ministers told Parliament on Monday (March 8) that they sympathized with the views of nurses who wanted to do so and who have been involving them, union leaders, religious teachers and other community members on this issue. There is a consensus that this issue is best discussed on closed platforms, the ministers said.

“They agree that these are sensitive issues and are best discussed behind closed doors. They also agree that the solution is not straightforward and that we should not rush to find one without addressing these other concerns,” said Dr. Maliki during the debate on the Ministry of Culture. , Community and youth budget.

Mr. Masagos explained that the secular position of the Government on this issue has been consistent and that uniform policy in the public service cannot lean towards any particular religious belief.

The uniform is a visible sign of equal service, regardless of race or religion, and allowing headscarves to be worn would introduce “a highly visible religious mark” that identifies the nurse or uniformed officer as Muslim. .

“This has significant implications: We do not want patients to prefer or not to be cared for by a Muslim nurse, nor do we want people to think that public safety is being enforced by a Muslim or non-Muslim police officer. This is what makes the decision is difficult and sensitive, “he said.

“Aggressive public pressure on this issue can only make compromise difficult. Any government concession to religious pressure will cause other groups to take notice and adopt equally aggressive positions,” Masagos added.

“Race and religion will become increasingly polarized and this will harm all of us, especially minority communities.”

Masagos also noted that, as a community, Muslims in Singapore have been adept at making adaptations and adjustments in the practice of their religion over the years, citing how the volume of the call to prayer in mosques is reduced out of consideration. to your neighbors.

“At the heart of our approach is our desire to protect the precious harmony that we have built over the years with other communities in Singapore,” he said, calling on the community to preserve it.

In his speech during the budget debate on February 24, Mr. Faisal had asked the government to allow the use of the tudung as part of the nurses’ uniform. He said that some Muslim women had to give up their desire to serve as nurses as they would not be able to wear headscarves at work.

Allowing the tudung to be worn as part of the nurse’s uniform could allow more women to fulfill their desire to work as nurses, Faisal said. He added that this would also increase the number of local nurses and make nursing here more inclusive.


Adjustments to a plural society

In his response, Dr. Maliki said that Islamic scholars have given guidance that Muslims should make the necessary adjustments while remaining true to their faith when living in a plural and contemporary society.

She noted that Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayyeb, the great Imam of Al-Azhar University, considered the best Islamic school in the world, had advised Muslim women not to quit their jobs solely because they could not wear the tudung due to the workplace requirements.

“We must avoid situations like in other countries where issues of religious expression take center stage and become a matter of division and put certain groups in the spotlight,” said Dr. Maliki.

Responding to a point Mr. Faisal made earlier about how he was repeatedly raising the tudung issue as part of his job as a parliamentarian to give feedback to the government, Dr. Maliki said that the role of a parliamentarian has to be more than simply giving feedback and reflect public sentiment.

“Muslim MPs from the PAP also recognize our role as leaders of all communities. As leaders, we must exercise discretion and know the implications of our actions,” the minister said.

“We are leaders and we have a responsibility to ensure our desired collective outcome as a society and a country: maintaining racial and religious harmony. This cannot be compromised.”

Mr. Faisal then pointed out that other countries have allowed the Tudung to do uniformed jobs.

In response, Masagos said Singapore needs to focus on what would be best for its situation. “There are many things that other countries do that we do not do. We are Singaporeans, we do what is good for Singapore,” he said.

This article was first published in The times of the strait. Permission is required for reproduction.
