Man faces four charges of mocking stay-at-home warning, Latest Singapore News


A man who allegedly left his home multiple times despite receiving a notification to stay home (SHN) amid the coronavirus outbreak appeared yesterday in district court.

Singaporean Teo Say Leong, 64, faces four charges under the Infectious Diseases Act.

He is also charged with a crime under the Infectious Disease Regulation 2020 (Covid-19 – Suspension Orders).

Teo, who has no representation, told the court that he intends to plead guilty to the charges.

The Immigration and Control Authority (ICA) said in a statement yesterday that Teo arrived in Singapore from Indonesia on March 20 and was served with the SHN.

As part of the notification, you were supposed to stay home from your arrival date until April 3.

Despite this, he is said to have left his Jalan Sultan home near Beach Road every day between March 23-26 for “prohibited purposes”, and spent approximately an hour outdoors around his neighborhood in every occasion.

He is accused of not staying home when ICA officers went to his department on March 29 for compliance checks.

ICA said: “Teo had left his residence to buy lunch and went to a nearby open area to consume it. He was outside his residence for approximately 50 minutes.

“When he returned, ICA officials reminded him that he had to remain at his residence at all times during the 14-day SHN period.”

The authority said it will not hesitate to take firm compliance measures against those who do not meet the stay-at-home notification requirements.

Teo’s case was postponed until May 20.

In each charge, a person convicted of a crime under the Act and its regulations may be jailed for up to six months and fined up to $ 10,000. – THE NARROW TIMES
