Malaysians support extended coronavirus brakes, but fear new groups from Hari Raya, SE Asia News & Top Stories


KUALA LUMPUR – Most Malaysians have been trapped in their homes for almost two months due to the partial closure of the country that helped curb the coronavirus outbreak but cost the economy billions of ringgit in losses.

However, many of them still support the government’s measure on Sunday (May 10) to extend these controls, albeit with concessions that allow the companies to reopen, for another four weeks until June 9.

Some even disagree with the administration’s plan to further ease the restrictions and allow small gatherings of up to 20 people for the upcoming holiday celebrations, saying it is poorly conceived and could lead to further clusters of infection.

Praising the extension of the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO), Ms. Melor Zambri said it is important for Malaysians to make sacrifices now in order to return to their “old life” earlier.

“The government has been gracious in allowing companies to reopen, this allows us to focus on our personal financial well-being during this difficult time. The least we can do is practice good hygiene and stay home after work, not going out if not It is the only way we can beat the virus and get back to the way things were before, “the 29-year-old food and beverage business owner told The Straits Times.

Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin warned that the fight against the pandemic is not yet over, despite the fact that the number of new daily coronavirus cases has fallen to double digits in the past week. As of Monday, the country had reported 6,726 confirmed cases and 109 deaths from the coronavirus.

Malaysia first imposed movement brakes on March 18, under which schools and nonessential businesses were closed, and people were confined to their homes, except to buy food and essential items or seek medical treatment.

These controls were relaxed last Monday, allowing most companies to reopen and people to travel for work. However, schools remain closed and large gatherings are still prohibited.

Describing the CMCO extension as striking the right balance between prioritizing public health and ensuring that commercial activities are resumed, the president of the Malaysian Manufacturers Federation, Soh Thian Lai, said that all parties should work hand in hand to flatten the Covid-19 curve and allow people to survive. earn a living.

“The operations of the sectors and businesses under the CMCO will continue to be governed by Covid-19 standard operating procedures and precautionary measures. The business community must continue to ensure strict compliance with these requirements,” said local daily New Straits Times. Monday.

The president of the Malaysian Federation of Street Vendors and the Association of Small Merchants, Rosli Sulaiman, said the extension was best.

“I know it is difficult for merchants because, although they have been allowed to resume business since May 4, the response has not been excellent. The important thing is to ensure that we are completely free of the coronavirus,” he said, according to the newspaper. .

While travel restrictions between states and the annual exodus to home cities for Hari Raya celebrations remain in place, the government has allowed small gatherings for holiday celebrations, up to a maximum of 20 people.

This move has drawn criticism from various sectors.

“I don’t agree with this at all. Do we want a group of Hari Raya? 20 people in one house are a crowd, why should we allow that? And how can we be sure that all Malaysians are a group of people responsible? “said nurse Mawar Husnani Ahmad, 30.

The public health watchdog, the Galen Center for Health and Social Policy, also criticized the measure, saying it is impossible for people to know if their friends and family have been infected.

“No buts, buts or warnings,” said Galen CEO Azrul Mohd Khalib.

“There is no justification for why the limit of 20 people is acceptable when 30 is not, or how the risk is reduced and accepted in a group of 20,” he added.
