Judge Allows Couple in COVID-19 Trial to Return to China; processing to request review of the decision


SINGAPORE – A couple on trial for withholding information from public health officials about their whereabouts after the husband tested positive for COVID-19 successfully applied to return to China pending the continuation of the trial.

Chinese nationals Hu Jun, 39, and Shi Sha, 37, appeared in court on Friday (October 9) to request to leave Singapore’s jurisdiction until January 20 next year.

His lawyer, Dhanwant Singh, said at the hearing that both clients had been away from home since January 22 and that it would be a full year when the trial resumed.

Hu, who works as a financial advisor, said his livelihood was at stake due to his absence. His lawyer said Hu has been in charge of multi-million dollar investments and that his presence in China was “crucial.” Hu had been away from home for so long that it was difficult to communicate with customers, Singh said.

The couple have also been away from their family, including two children aged four and ten.

Both are on $ 10,000 bond and were willing to pay higher bond if imposed, the attorney said.

Deputy Prosecutor (DPP) Timotheus Koh opposed the request, citing the couple as a flight risk due to their lack of roots in Singapore.

Both entered on visiting passes and did not have a source of employment in Singapore or close relatives here, the DPP said.

Despite the lack of ties, the defense filed the request asking the court to believe “in good faith” that its clients would return to Singapore to continue their trial, DPP Koh noted.

All the court had was the defendants’ word that they would not abscond, and this was insufficient, argued the DPP.

First to be charged under the Infectious Diseases Act

Shi and Hu were the first defendants under the Infectious Diseases Act (IDA) earlier this year after it was revealed that they had possibly lied about their whereabouts between January 22 and January 29.

Hu had contracted COVID-19 and tested positive for the virus on January 31. The couple claimed the trial on their charges on August 17 and were to resume their trial on January 25-28 next year.

Hu’s and Shi’s bondsmen, both known, also addressed the court.

One said he was in constant contact with Hu and the couple were happy to attend the hearings to “save” their reputations. He noted that Hu settled in China for a “large financial advisory firm,” so the case had a negative impact on his reputation.

The bailor said he was “very happy to provide assistance to make sure Hu returns.”

Shi’s bailiff met her after her arrival in Singapore. The bailiff said he had known Shi for almost two years and was confident that he would return. He said he contacted Shi through messaging apps about his situation.

Addressing court through a Mandarin interpreter, Shi said she missed her children. Since arriving in Singapore, her husband had taken the proactive step of going to the hospital for testing and had not infected anyone.

She added that she and her husband had cooperated in the investigations and will be responsible for returning to Singapore.

“My husband is the sole breadwinner in the family and his clients have already indicated that they would like to withdraw the funds,” she said, adding that they have already “faced a lot of criticism and unfair treatment” due to their court case.

“The fact that I brought my children here to face education is because I have love for this land. I will do nothing to damage it. We will definitely return to prove our innocence, ”he said.

Increase in bail by $ 80,000

District Judge Ng Peng Hong granted the request, but increased the bond for both of them by $ 80,000.

The couple must also provide their full travel itinerary and full details of where they will be staying and their contact numbers before departing to the investigating officer. Both must also remain in contact with the investigating officer and must surrender their passport upon return, as part of their conditions.

DPP Koh then successfully requested the stay of the order, pending a review by the Superior Court. This means that both Hu and Shi are still unable to leave.

COVID-19: Chinese Couple Charged Under Infectious Disease Law

Couple accused of withholding contact tracing information demands trial
