In Search of the Invisible: How the NEA Protects Against Radiation Risk


SINGAPORE: From oil refineries to petrochemical plants, veterinary clinics and ground checkpoints, the work of National Environment Agency (NEA) officer Parthiban Balachandran takes you all over Singapore.

Technical Supervisor of NEA’s Department of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Science, Mr. Parthiban is on the lookout for invisible radioactive sources and any unintended radiation exposure that could put workers and the public at risk.

The work consists of regulating the possession, use and sale of sources of ionizing radiation. Together with other officers from the Ionizing Radiation Control Section, Mr. Parthiban participates in regular inspections to ensure that those who own such sources are complying with Singapore’s regulatory requirements.

In Singapore, only those with the necessary qualifications and knowledge in radiation safety are authorized to operate irradiation equipment and radioactive materials.

Mr. Parthiban’s day usually begins with a review of a list of relevant inspection sites and licenses. These licenses are issued by NEA for the import, export, sale, marketing, possession and use of radioactive materials and irradiating devices, as well as for the transport of radioactive materials.

“As part of my responsibilities, I conduct site inspections prior to issuance of licenses to verify that the details of the irradiation apparatus or radioactive material … quantity, serial number, type of radioactive material, provided by the applicant, are accurate “, He said. .

Parthiban will check the inventory of radioactive materials and ensure that the requirements are met.

“For example, my verification involves looking at the appropriate labels and signage, ensuring that storage areas are protected and that radiation levels in areas accessible to the public are within allowable limits,” he added.

“I also review the facility’s operating procedures to assess whether safety measures to protect workers and members of the public are adequate and provide guidance to applicants and licensees on how to improve procedures for increased safety.”

Mr. Parthiban’s inspection reports will provide a “clear indication” of where the radiation sources are located, and once the report is approved, the license will be issued.


In addition to routine checks, Mr. Parthiban and his team sometimes travel to various checkpoints in Singapore when shipments are suspected of containing undeclared radioactive material.

Mr. Parthiban Balachandran (2)

Mr. Parthiban works closely with ICA officials when shipments are suspected of containing undeclared radioactive material. (Photo: Matthew Mohan)

This happens between two and three times a year.

“Officials from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) will provide information on the shipment marked to NEA and locations within the containers that have elevated radiation levels. The responding NEA officer will review the shipping documents, such as the bill of lading, invoice, packing list, cargo clearance permit … and verify the details, and proceed to inspect the container and identify the suspected radionuclide ”, explained.

First, Mr. Parthiban performs an initial check with a radiation survey meter to assess radiation levels.

Then a more sophisticated instrument called an identifier is used to identify the radioisotope. The identifier, with its library of radionuclides, can distinguish the different radioisotopes after spectroscopic analysis.

“If necessary, the container will be unpacked to isolate the suspect item. If it is a controlled item, NEA will inform the importer of the licensing requirements and will take enforcement action if necessary, “he added.

Parthiban recalled coming across a pillow container with elevated levels of radiation readings.

“Upon further investigation, we discovered that the pillows contained tourmaline, a mineral that contains a minimal amount of naturally occurring radionuclides,” he recalled. “Low levels of radiation can be found everywhere in nature, including soil, soil and water. In bulk, products containing such materials can cause radiation readings to be high. “

When talking to acquaintances about his work, Mr. Parthiban is sometimes met with mocking stares.

Parthiban Balachandran (3)

Parthiban Balachandran uses an identifier to scan the cargo. (Photo: Matthew Mohan

“The biggest mistake is that they don’t know that people are doing this, what I’m doing… they don’t know that there is such a role. But that’s our role, we’ve been doing it for a while, ”he said.

“They tell me, ‘Why are you doing this?’ … In my opinion, they get confused about how much damage it will do to you. But I always think about this when I do my work, it’s like fire. We can cook food with fire, you can burn us with fire. And if you look at radiation, it’s the same concept … There are good uses for radiation, it depends on the perspective from which you want to see it ”.

It is important to understand that radiation can be found all around us and, in small doses, there is nothing to fear, Mr. Parthiban emphasized.

“What most people don’t know is that we are constantly exposed to natural sources of background radiation. Apart from cosmic radiation, from the sun, for example, the earth’s crust contains radioactive minerals that emit low levels of radiation, ”he explained.

“Even our own bodies contain naturally occurring radioactive elements. Therefore, anything made from natural materials in the earth’s crust can generally emit radiation. “

Common items that may contain radioactivity include commercial fertilizers, due to the presence of natural potassium 40, large quantities of bananas, which are also rich in potassium, as well as large shipments of salt, he said.

“When we look at radioactivity, we generally have to give a warning here, because it doesn’t mean (just because something is) radioactive, (it means) something very sinister,” he noted.

“People always have some misconceptions here and there because we read from the internet … this is one of the things they shouldn’t be alarmed about,” added Mr. Parthiban.

“In Singapore, we regulate radioactive materials and X-rays very clearly, anything (involving) ionizing radiation in Singapore, we are regulating. So there is no need to worry. “
