“If Trump wins again, all drugs should become legal”


Four years ago, a pessimistic Noah said he was “shitting” his pants over Trump’s then-surprise win over Hillary Clinton, adding that “(it) feels like the end of the world. … I really don’t know how he states. United can be so disorganized or so obnoxious. “

But on Tuesday night, Noah was comfortable trading jokes with Roy Wood Jr., who couldn’t tell his bottle of tequila from his bottle of urine. Yes, confusing times.

Noting that New Jersey just legalized marijuana, Noah exclaimed, “If Trump wins again, all drugs should become legal. We can’t spend another four years sober. I need at least heroin gummies. “

Election Day 2020 – Full Deadline Coverage

He also warned Washington DC, which just decriminalized mushrooms, that “tonight is not the night to try mushrooms for the first time.”

“He’s getting a lot more votes from Hispanics and blacks than in 2016, and he’s had a lot more rappers backing him,” Noah said of Trump. This was followed by footage of Trump featuring Lil Pump at a rally as “Little Pimp.”

Wood later commented, “Just today, Eminem came out and endorsed Biden. That is the world we live in. Who would think that in 2020 white rappers would be with Biden and black rappers would be with Trump? This is the first time that blacks have appropriated something from whites! “

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Later in the episode, Noah asked his guest, Dr. Tressie McMillan Cottom, about black men’s support for Trump in this election, versus black women.

“Man, cocaine is an amazing drug,” Cottom replied. “For all that we talk about race in this country, and it is significant and important, and for all that we talk about class, and it is significant and important, what we have learned is that gender also matters. There has always been a conservative streak, or momentum, in the African American community. It is drowned out by our shared oppression in relation to whites. But there has always been a conservatism that runs parallel to frankly patriarchal impulses. “

She continued: “They are attracted to the same as many Cuban American voters in Florida, as rural white voters in Idaho, are attracted to the presentation of the male force in Donald Trump. … His swagger seems like strength and masculinity to a lot of people, and I think there are a significant number of black voters right now who believe that strength is an indicator of what it might feel like to them under President Trump. “

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Even if Trump wins, not everything is rosy for him, according to Cottom, since “only 40% -45% will think that he has been doing a good job. That is going to be difficult to govern no matter who is elected. In many ways, Donald Trump has made a mess that only Donald Trump can fix, and that’s terrifying. “

While Noah expressed concern about a continued divided nation, Cottom mentioned that it is not as bad as the electoral college makes it sound.

“Regardless of who goes to the polls, people agree more about the important things than they disagree,” he added, “There is a significant part of the population that has a huge influence on who is elected in relation to their size. real and then there is this accomplice, a kind of soft middle, who doesn’t see a difference between the parties or the candidates, and since they don’t see the difference, they tend to go with the flow.

Keeping his upper lip stiff on the chaos that is sure to ensue, Noah closed the show by promising that this was “Night 1 of our seven-week Election Day coverage! Because this shit will go on for a while! Brace yourselves, many states have not entered, and every day we will be counting the results and then following the lawsuits! “

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