IBM will recruit and train 300 Singaporeans in emerging technology areas over the next 4 years, Business News & Top Stories


SINGAPORE – IBM will hire and train 300 Singaporeans in emerging technology areas over the next four years, under a memorandum of intent (MOI) that was signed by the tech giant and the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) on Friday (20 of November).

Applicants will receive training for roles as data scientists and cloud architects in the enterprise-led training initiative, which is part of IMDA’s TechSkills Accelerator Program.

Of the 300 positions on offer, 60 are for mid-career professionals, while the other 240 are open to new and mid-career professionals.

The initiative is part of IBM’s Future Ready Digital Smart Workforce Program, which aims to meet the demand for technology consulting and deep technical skills, both necessary to support the acceleration of digital transformation across all industries. It also supports SGUnited’s job and skills package.

Participants in the IBM program will be exposed to emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things. They will be assigned to work with local, regional and global teams on a variety of projects to gain practical experience.

Communications and Information Minister S Iswaran, who witnessed the signing ceremony on Friday, said the MOI is part of ongoing efforts between IMDA, the government office Digital Industry Singapore and industry partners to create jobs and opportunities. training for Singaporeans.

He added that close collaboration between government agencies and industry will help generate job opportunities and further ensure that skills received by program participants, such as cyber security and data analytics, are validated by the industry.

This partnership with industry players is key, Iswaran said, especially in terms of recruiting Singaporeans for job opportunities.

“In the ICT sector, which is a bright spot in the economy, we can identify opportunities along with them,” he said.

“At the same time, through this partnership and through the (company-led training program), we can work with them to help tailor the skill sets of the people they have identified, so that they can move into these positions. and get the ground working. “

Ms Lee Hui Li, Managing Partner of Asean Global Business Services at IBM, said: “We take a holistic and results-focused view that encompasses people, processes and technology.

“That is why, in addition to skills development, our future-ready intelligent digital workforce program will emphasize the practical application of those skills in real-world business scenarios so that, for example, data and intelligence artificial systems can make workflows smarter and more valuable. They are applied to improve the customer experience. “

Last month, the parent company of e-commerce platform Shopee, Sea, signed an MOI with IMDA for a company-led training initiative to recruit and train some 500 Singaporeans over the next two years.

Other participating companies offering job opportunities under IMDA’s company-led training program include cybersecurity company Ensign InfoSecurity and professional services company KPMG.
