Health authorities investigating a spike in group B streptococcus cases warn of caution when consuming raw fish


SINGAPORE: Members of the public consuming raw fish should exercise caution, Singapore’s health authorities warned as they investigate an increase in the number of cases of group B streptococcus (GBS).

Public hospitals reported fifty GBS cases in July, up from an average of 25 cases a month between January and June, the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) said in a press release on Sunday. (August 30th). ).

Laboratory investigations found that 18 of the cases reported in July were GBS Type III ST283. This compares with an average of four cases per month from April to June.

Most of the cases were patients 65 years of age or older. Most have since recovered and been discharged from the hospital, although one patient died of an unrelated cause, the Health Ministry said.

In 2015, the same strain of the bacteria brought more than 160 people to the hospital with fever and invasive infections, such as meningitis, after consuming yusheng, a raw fish dish commonly eaten with congee.


Stock photo of raw fish and porridge.

Two died from the infection and one of the patients, former technician Tan Whee Boon, had all of his limbs amputated.

Following the outbreak, food outlets were banned from selling raw freshwater fish, after tests showed that such fish had higher bacterial contamination than saltwater fish and is likely to pose higher risks of infection when are consumed raw.

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For recent cases, health authorities are gathering information on the patients’ dietary history and conducting field investigations at various locations to determine possible sources of GBS.

SFA said it has not detected the ST283 strain of bacteria in its routine tests of fish samples between May 2019 and August this year.

He also inspected the food stalls visited by the patients and found that none of them sold ready-to-eat raw fish dishes.

Ready-to-eat raw fish is intended for raw consumption and is generally sold and marketed separately from other raw fish for cooking.

Still, the agency said it is sending reminders to food outlets to adhere to the ban on the sale of raw freshwater fish. Those selling ready-to-eat raw fish have also been reminded to ensure good hygiene practices and proper food handling.

The Health Ministry said it has also alerted doctors to report suspected cases of invasive GBS.

READ: Bacteria in 2015 GBS outbreak are widespread in Southeast Asia – Researchers

GBS is a common bacteria found in the human intestine and urinary tract of about 15 to 30 percent of adults without causing illness. However, it can occasionally cause invasive infections of the skin, joints, heart, and brain.

Risk factors for GBS, which can usually be treated with antibiotics, include underlying chronic or comorbid conditions, such as diabetes. Transmission can also occur during childbirth.

“Members of the public who choose to consume ready-to-eat raw fish should be aware of the risks involved. Cooking raw food thoroughly remains the most effective way to kill bacteria,” the Health Ministry and SFA said.

They warned that vulnerable groups of people, especially young children, pregnant women, the elderly or those with chronic diseases like diabetes, may be more susceptible and should avoid eating raw foods.

People can also reduce the risk of infection by washing their hands and kitchen utensils thoroughly before handling food and by using separate sets of knives and cutting boards for raw and cooked foods.
