From no mask to wearing masks; different SG agencies implement their own mask usage control


When the COVID-19 outbreak hit Singapore earlier this year, the government insisted that people should not wear masks if they are well. They should only use one if they are sick.

In a closed-door discussion with members of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI) in February, Commerce and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing even ridiculed Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam’s decision to use surgical masks in public (‘Singapore hospitals would suffer if leaders wore masks like Carrie Lam of Hong Kong: minister’, February 18).

Chan said that if Singapore had followed in Hong Kong’s footsteps “without thinking,” with its leaders wearing masks to give updates on the virus outbreak and causing panic, “I can guarantee you that our hospital system would have broken down today,” he said. . “There will be no more surgical masks for our hospital people because [these would have been] all used as tissue paper. “

PM Lee: we will no longer discourage people from wearing masks

However, in an apparent “U-turn” of the government’s previous stance on masks, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced on April 3 that authorities “will no longer discourage people from wearing masks.”

He said the government is concerned about “some cases in the community that go unnoticed,” even if they are few. “We now also have evidence that an infected person cannot show symptoms, and still transmit the virus to others,” he said. “That is why the WHO is reviewing the issue of facial masks, and also the CDC of the United States.”

“Therefore, we will no longer discourage people from wearing masks,” he added.

In fact, the Ministry of Health (MS) also advised the same day: “For those who need to go out and cannot avoid close contact with others, wearing a mask could offer them some protection. Reusable masks can be considered for this purpose, to provide basic protection. “

That is, wearing a mask is considered optional to go out. But after Prime Minister Lee’s announcement, a group of government agencies immediately take action by instituting the mandatory use of masks in areas under their jurisdiction.

LTA: mandatory use of masks for public transport

On Thursday (April 9), the Ground Transportation Authority (LTA) released a statement asking people to put on a mask if they take public transportation.

Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan wrote on his Facebook page yesterday (April 11) saying: “We will make wearing masks compulsory for public transport. This will minimize transmission on public transportation during the period after the circuit breaker when safe distance is jeopardized. ”

To prepare for the new measure, authorities will now make travelers start wearing masks when using public transportation. Transportation ambassadors will remind you to do so.

NEA: no mask cannot enter 40 of its selected markets

And on Friday (April 10), the National Environment Agency (NEA), under the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources (MEWR), led by Minister Masagos Zulkifli, issued a statement saying that as of today (12 April), customers without masks will be denied entry into 40 of the markets with the crowd management system in place.

“Beginning April 12, 2020, the National Environment Agency (NEA) will not allow customers who do not wear masks to enter the 40 NEA-managed markets or NEA-designated operators,” he said.

Please note that there are no restrictions on the use of masks in other NEA markets outside of the selected 40. Currently, the 40 NEA designated markets for customers to wear masks are:

OSS: Workers who sell or prepare food must wear masks

The Singapore Food Agency, another agency reporting to the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources, also released a statement yesterday saying that workers engaged in the sale and preparation of food and beverages in all licensed food establishments of the SFA must wear masks or other physical forms. barriers (for example, masks) starting tomorrow (April 13).

This includes staff at street vendor center stalls, cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, caterers, etc.

“Operators who do not meet the requirement are responsible for a fine of up to $ 5,000 and / or suspension or cancellation of their licenses,” he said.

ESG and STB: You must wear a mask in supermarkets, convenience stores, pharmacies and shopping malls

Then, Enterprise Singapore (ESG) and the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry led by Chan Chun Sing also entered the act.

ESG and STB jointly announced yesterday that starting today (April 12), people visiting supermarkets, convenience stores, pharmacies, and shopping malls should wear masks. Those who do not wear masks will be denied entry.

“Customers should wear masks when visiting a shopping center. Malls, owners and supermarkets will reject customers who do not wear masks to protect the health and well-being of other customers, “he said.

Taiwan the gold standard in the fight against COVID-19

In any case, Singapore appears to be behind the curve compared to Taiwan in handling the COVID-19 outbreak. Regarding the use of masks, for example, the Taiwanese government urged its residents to wear masks from the first day, regardless of whether one is sick or not.

The Atlantic Council, a group of American Atlantic experts in the field of international affairs, has to say about Taiwan (‘Lessons from Taiwan’s experience with COVID-19‘, April 7):

During the epidemic, the Taiwanese government actively cooperated with private media companies to regularly broadcast basic preventive knowledge such as “washing hands and wearing masks” on television and radio stations.

They do not have different government agencies that announce their own messages separately to inform the public about individual control over the use of masks by agencies.

And a netizen who was in Taiwan pointed out that Taiwan’s move to ration face masks early and allow its citizens to buy two masks per week had prevented people from hoarding masks (‘The gold standard in dealing with COVID-19 in reality has been Taiwan, not Singapore, says local netizen ‘).

Two months later, its citizens can buy more masks per week, in excess of 10 million for international donations. The Taiwanese people have also been very resourceful, using cloths to extend the life of their limited surgical masks (they put the latter inside a washable cloth mask), and people with double masks are quite common on the streets, ”Feng wrote.

“Our previous mask pose without need was also stretched a little too hard and too hard. Rather than praise the extra vigilance or understand why people were hiding, some of us employers, people in different positions of power, instructed those below to remove their masks because the masks were “unnecessary”.

Perhaps the most striking figures are the low incidence of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Taiwan vs. Singapore. As of April 12, 2020 (GMT), the number of confirmed cases:

  • Taiwan 385 (population 23.78 million)
  • Singapore 2,299 (population 5,639 million)

Confirmed number of cases per million inhabitants:

  • Taiwan 16.2
  • Singapore 407.7