Foreign workers are reminded of Singapore’s zero tolerance position on incitement to violence, Singapore News & Top Stories


SINGAPORE – Foreign workers in Singapore have been reminded that anyone who incites violence, including on social media, can be jailed, fined and banned from Singapore indefinitely.

This message was delivered in an advisory issued by the Ministries of the Interior and Manpower and the police earlier this month, amid concerns over the rise of radicals inciting violence online following recent terrorist incidents in France.

The notice, which has been translated into Bengali, Tamil, Mandarin and Bahasa Indonesian, reminded workers that any use or suggestion of violence will be dealt with quickly and severely in accordance with Singapore law.

He warned them against importing foreign policy here and asked them to approach their dorm manager, employer, or religious leaders for advice, should they be affected by the incidents abroad.

He also urged workers to inform authorities about anyone they know who is involved in violent extremist activities.

The growing calls for violence online were fueled by the beheading of a teacher in Paris on October 16, when an 18-year-old Muslim killed him in retaliation for displaying a controversial image of the prophet Muhammad to his class.

Almost a fortnight later, on October 29, three people were stabbed to death by a 21-year-old Muslim in a church in the city of Nice in southeastern France. One of the elderly victims was beheaded.

The incidents drew worldwide attention and people on social media and other media platforms were urged to retaliate, authorities noted in the notice.

“Singapore, being an open country where access to the media is readily available, is not insulated from these influences of extreme discussions and connotations of violence,” they said.

But he strongly advocates a harmonious life among people of different religions and nationalities, they emphasized.

Foreign workers were also reminded that while residing and working in Singapore, “any use or suggestion of violence, in response to development in France or any other country, will be dealt with quickly and severely within the laws of the country.” .

Singapore, authorities reiterated, has zero tolerance for any act of violence, and anyone who engages in or incites violence, including on social media or the internet, can be imprisoned, fined, and barred from entering Singapore indefinitely.

They advised foreign workers not to make any comments, including posts and comments on the Internet and social media, that could offend or encourage ill will against any race, religion, nationality or group.

Workers were also urged to stay away from extremist activities, whether inside or outside the bedrooms. And they were advised not to participate in or organize activities related to the incidents in France.

“Do not import foreign policy to Singapore. For example, organizing a protest, demonstration or openly showing your support for foreign politicians, organizations or movements without the approval of the Singapore authorities is against the law and will be dealt with severely.”

Foreign workers in need of advice can turn to their dormitory managers, employers, ambassadors and religious leaders in the dormitories.

They can also contact the religious teachers of the Religious Rehabilitation Group (RRG) at 1800-774-774-7 for advice.

Launched in 2003, the RRG is a non-profit group that trains religious teachers to mentor those who have been influenced or misled by radical teachings. It also conducts workshops on fighting extremist ideology in schools and mosques.

Authorities urged foreign workers to inform their employers or dormitory managers immediately, or to inform the police at 1800-255-0000 or the Department of Homeland Security at 1800-2626-473, if they know of someone involved in extremist activities. violent.
