First U.S. Presidential Debate Between Donald Trump and Joe Biden: What They Said, News & Highlights From America


WASHINGTON (REUTERS) – United States President Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, met in Cleveland on Tuesday night (September 29) for the first of three debates before the US presidential election. November 3, when Trump is seeking a second term in office.

The discussion was moderated by Fox News host Chris Wallace.

These are some of the quotes that made headlines in the debate:


Trump, asked by moderator Chris Wallace on whether US Appeals Court Judge Amy Coney Barrett should be nominated to the Supreme Court before the election: “We won the (2016) election. Elections have consequences.

“We have the Senate and we have the White House and we have a phenomenal nominee respected by all.
“… I think she (Barrett) will be outstanding. She will be as good as anyone who has served on that court. We won the elections and that is why we had the right to choose her ”.

Biden said, “We should wait, we should wait and see what the outcome of these elections is.”

Mr. Tump added: “When it comes to voice, the American people have already spoken. … I am not elected for (only) 3-1 / 2 years. “

In response, Mr. Biden said: “He is elected until the next election. … The elections have already started. “


Mr. Biden: “You should get out of your bunker and get out of the sand trap and … the golf course and go to the Oval Office and (get together) Democrats and Republicans and fund what needs to be done now to save. lives.”

Trump: “He didn’t think we should have closed our country (to China) because he thought it was terrible.

“We have done a great job. But I’m telling you, Joe, you could never have done the work we’ve done. You don’t have it in your blood. “

On Biden’s proposed approach to developing coronavirus vaccines, Trump said: “People like this would rather make it political than save lives.”

Mr. Biden: “Guess what, a lot of people died, and a lot more are going to die unless they get a lot smarter and faster.”

Trump: “There is nothing smart about you, Joe.”

On Trump’s mask policy, Biden said: “He’s a fool at this.”


When Trump told him that he had adopted the “socialized medicine” proposals of former Democratic presidential rival Bernie Sanders, Biden said, “Everyone here knows he’s a liar … You picked the wrong guy on the wrong night at the wrong time.

“Friends, do you have any idea what this clown is doing? I’ll tell you what, it’s not for anyone who needs medical attention. “

After Trump explained his health proposal, Biden said, “He doesn’t have a health care plan … The fact is, this man has no idea what he’s talking about.”

At another point, while being interrupted by Trump, Biden said, “You wanna shut up, man? This is so un-presidential … Keep talking, man. “

Wallace to Trump: “I think the country would be better served if we allowed both people to speak with less interruption. I’m asking you, sir, to do it. “

Referring to Biden, Trump said: “And him too.”

Wallace: “Well, frankly, you’ve been interrupting more.”


Mr. Biden: “This is a president who has used everything like a dog’s whistle to try to generate racist hatred, racist division.”

Citing Biden’s support for the 1994 crime bill, Trump said: “You have treated the black community as badly as anyone in this country.”

Mr. Biden: “Yes, there is a systemic injustice in this country in education and work and in law enforcement, and the way it is enforced.”


Trump: “The top 10 cities and almost the top 40 cities are run by Democrats in many cases, radical leftists, and they have you wrapped around their fingers, Joe, to a point where you don’t want to say anything about law and order. . And I’ll tell you what the people of this country want and demand: law and order, and you’re afraid to say it. “

Biden said Trump had done nothing to quell the protests: “He just pours gasoline on the fire.”

In response to Trump’s attack on the suburbs, Biden said: “I would not recognize a suburb unless it took a wrong turn. I know the suburbs. “

Trump: “Name a police group that has spoken out and supported you. One. Think. We have time.”

Mr. Biden: “Under this president, we have become weaker, sicker, more divided and more violent.”


Mr. Wallace: “Are you willing tonight to condemn the white supremacists and militia groups and say that they need to withdraw and not increase the violence or the number of these cities as we saw in Kenosha, and as we have seen in Portland? “

Trump: “I would say that almost everything I see is from the left, not from the right. … I am willing to do anything. I want to see peace. “

Mr. Wallace: “Then do it, sir.”

Mr. Biden: “Do it, do it. Say it.”

Trump: “He wants to call them. What do you want to call them? Give me a name. “

Mr. Biden, referring to a right-wing group: “Proud Boys.”

Trump: “Proud guys, stand back and wait.”


Trump: “I think we have to do everything we can to have clean air, clean water and do everything we can to do good.”

Mr. Biden: “The first thing I’ll do is rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement.”


Biden encouraged vote-by-mail by saying that Trump does too. “He sits behind the Resolute Desk (in the White House) and sends his ballot to Florida.”

Mr. Biden: “He cannot prevent you from determining the outcome of that election. … If I win, that will be accepted. If I lose, that will be accepted. “If we get the votes, he will go. He cannot remain in power. “

Trump: “Don’t talk to me about a free transition. This will be a fraud like you have never seen. This is not going to end well. “

Mr. Biden: “You will determine the outcome of this election. Vote, vote, vote. If you can vote early in your state, vote early. If you can vote in person, vote in person, in whatever way is best for you. Because it cannot prevent you from determining the outcome of this election. “

When asked by Wallace if he would urge his supporters to remain calm and promise not to declare victory until the election is certified, Trump said: “I urge my supporters to go to the polls and watch very carefully.”

Trump: “If I see tens of thousands of ballots being tampered with, I can’t accept it. They cheat. “
Mr. Biden: “The fact is, I will accept it and so will he. You know why? Because once the winner is declared after all the ballots have been counted, all the votes are counted. That will be the end. “
