End of the World: Neil deGrasse Tyson’s End of the World Warning Revealed: “Must Terraform Mars” | Science | News


In about five billion years from now, the Sun will gobble up the current orbits of Mercury and Venus and make Earth uninhabitable. But, long before that, in about a billion years, when it stops fusing hydrogen and turns into a red giant, scientists predict that its core will experience a large increase in density and temperature as its outer layers expand. This process will make the star at the center of the Solar System shine much brighter, possibly evaporating Earth’s oceans, leading to the need to search for other planets to host human life.

“So things tend to get more messy, they tend to fall apart.

“The first stars in our universe began to shine about 100 million years after the Big Bang.

“But it was another nine billion years before our star, the Sun, formed.

“But our Sun will not live forever, which will obviously have a direct impact on all life on Earth.”

Neil deGrasse Tyson sent a warning about the end of the world

Neil deGrasse Tyson sent a warning about the end of the world (Image: GETTY)

Professor Cox was speaking in 2017

Professor Cox was speaking in 2017 (Image: YOUTUBE)

We are going to need ways to terraform Mars

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Professor of Solar Physics at the Monash School of Mathematical Sciences, Paul Cally, described his prediction of exactly when it will happen and what it will mean.

He said: “The Sun is approximately halfway through the phase in which it is burning hydrogen.

“It is producing helium and it has what is called solar luminosity, it is producing so much heat and light, but that is going to increase slowly.”

“In approximately 1.1 billion years, it will be 10 percent brighter than it is now, that’s enough to create a forced greenhouse.

“Then life on Earth will become very problematic at that stage.

READ MORE: End of the world: how the scientist revealed the date “life on Earth will become very problematic”

The end of the world is predicted to be at least a billion years away.

The end of the world is predicted to be at least a billion years away. (Image: GETTY)

“From 3,500 million years, it will be 1.4 times its current luminosity, and that is enough to evaporate the oceans, we really have another five million years left.

“But, it will be awkward for us long before that.

“The core is compressed, but the rest of the star expands enormously and we have a red giant.

Professor Cox spoke to Dr. Tyson, who has been pushing for colonization of Mars for some time.

The astrophysicist said: “When our Sun turns into a red giant, when it begins to swell and gobble up Mercury’s orbit, it will start to get very hot on Earth.

“We are going to need ways to terraform Mars, and then send billions of people from Earth.

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DeGrasse Tyson asked that Mars be terraformed

DeGrasse Tyson asked that Mars be terraformed (Image: GETTY)

Dr. Joel Parker of the Southwest Research Institute

Dr. Joel Parker of the Southwest Research Institute (Image: YOUTUBE)

“Mars is colder than Earth because it is one and a half times farther away.”

This idea was supported by Dr. Joel Parker of the Southwest Research Institute, who added: “The Earth is basically fried at that point, we cannot exist.

“Fortunately, if humans are still around, we would have moved to a better location.”

Professor Cox concluded with some grim news, explaining that even if humans manage to get off Earth, the universe could one day suffer the same fate.

“Then in just over a billion years, Earth will become uninhabitable.

“In six or seven billion years the Sun will be gone.

“But that, of course, is not the end of the universe, when the matter that floats from our dying Sun will collapse again into other stars, other planets, and perhaps other living things.”

“But, that process cannot continue forever, there comes a time when the constant recycling and birth of new stars has to stop.”
