Dr. Tan Cheng Bock: PSP expects the government to take prudent measures to ease the plight of troubled individuals and businesses in 2021


New Years Message 2021 from the Secretary General of the Progress Singapore Party (PSP), Dr. Tan Cheng Bock

As we start a new year, I like to spend some time reflecting on how significant this year has been for the development of our political institutions, the maturity of our electorate, and how encouraged I am to see so many brave men and women who have spoken. go ahead without fear of retaliation to stand by me to compete in GE2020. I would like to thank you all for your courageous efforts.

In 2020, many Singaporeans have realized what we can become as a nation and as a country, when we embrace greater compassion, transparency and accountability.

Singapore is no longer the same nation when I stepped up to serve as a politician some 40 years ago. Today, there is so much elitism and political patronage that it takes more than merit to succeed in career and life. This is a very worrying trend and we must stop it before it is too late.

PSP members and supporters have stepped forward to serve for the same reason: we want to build a better Singapore, we want to build a society that is more equitable and just.

The year 2020 has been a very tough year for everyone. We are going through one of the worst recessions since independence and this recession has taken its toll on all of us in one way or another. Some of us have lost our jobs; some fell ill from COVID 19, while the rest just hope the New Year brings much-awaited relief from the current economic malaise.

The world came to a standstill because of this invisible enemy – it is one that cannot be seen, but it wreaked havoc on so many communities that vast tracts of land were blocked from spreading the virus. We read of reports of large communities abroad falling back into poverty as a result.

Singapore is neither immune nor safe from the economic ravages of this virus. Many Singaporeans have slipped below the poverty line and the government’s reluctance to set a poverty line has made it more difficult to identify and assist those in need of help and assistance.

The implementation of the COVID19 vaccination program gives us a ray of hope. But all you can do is stop the spread of the virus. We still have to build our economy, help those who have been left behind, retrain and retrain our workforce, and make our economy vibrant and robust as it was before the recession.

It takes more than a wish for Singapore to recover. Obviously, it is more than a wish, it requires determination and guts; It takes men of steel and men who have done this before running companies large and small that have created good job opportunities for Singaporeans.

At PSP, we share the concern of many Singaporeans that current political office holders are being cut from the same cloth and bringing with them the experience of running large garrisons, but little knowledge and experience to jump-start businesses and the economy.

And this is where PSP shines the most. We have the talent to help steer this struggling economy in the right direction. You will hear more from our NCMPs in next year’s budget deliberations.

We have a large reserve and we hope that the government will take prudent measures to alleviate the plight of both individuals and companies experiencing difficulties.

At PSP, we stand shoulder to shoulder with you through good times and bad. I spend every moment thinking about what we can do to improve Singapore, to rebuild our lives and our economy.

I would like to add a caveat in concluding my comments for 2020; We must be on the lookout for new strands of COVID19. So let’s continue to practice good hygiene, safe distancing, and wear a surgical mask when you leave your home. I hope this pandemic subsides in the next few days.

Wishing that 2021 will be a year of new opportunities and hope with much happiness and health for all. Please join us in ushering in a New Year and also join us for greater transparency and accountability.

Happy New Year!

For the country, for the people.

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