Dad Gets All Kan Cheong After His Baby ‘Disappears’ From Stroller, A Fun Reminder For Parents To Always Be Alert


One of the scariest things that can happen to a parent is the realization that their child is missing.

In a video clip uploaded to Facebook (September 14), it appeared to be the case of a father in Taiwan who entered kan cheong total or kanchiong mode after realizing that his baby had ‘disappeared’ from the stroller.

In the video, the father is seen absorbed as he uses his phone in one hand and rolls an empty stroller from side to side with the other hand.

Image Source: Facebook Screenshot

It was only when the father turned his attention back to his baby, who he believed was in the stroller, was he surprised.

Unaware that his baby was right under his nose the entire time, the father anxiously looked around for his son.

Image Source: Facebook Screenshot

Image Source: Facebook Screenshot

It took a few moments before the father finally realized and realized that his baby was strapped in the carrier in front of his chest.

Thereafter, she gave her baby some reassuring pats, although we recognize that it was also something of a relief for the dad after he had been through such a scare.

Image Source: Facebook Screenshot

The video appeared to have caught the attention of many netizens and went viral with more than 94,000 shares at the time of writing.

Image Source: Facebook Screenshot

While it could have just been a false alarm for this parent, and that their baby is safe and sound, it seeks to remind all parents to be vigilant, especially when caring for their children.

“It turns out that not only mothers have a mummy brain (read: postpartum forgetfulness),” joked one netizen.

“I really can’t let dad take the baby out,” said another.

At some point in our lives, some, if not many, of us have found ourselves in similar situations (for example, thinking that we have lost our phones and realizing that we have been holding them all the time). But with a baby at stake, the importance of being alert at all times should never be underestimated.

You can see the full video here:

Main image source: Facebook / Xu Jiaying

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Post Dad Gets All Kan Cheong After His Baby ‘Disappears’ From Stroller, A Fun Reminder For Parents To Be Always On The Lookout First Appeared In Asian Father – Your Guide To Pregnancy, Baby And Parenting .
