Colon cancer, can it be prevented?


1. Can colon cancer be prevented?

Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) is the leading cancer in Singapore: the number one cancer for men and number two for women.

majority (> 80%) of cancers develop from precancerous colon polyps. “data-reactid =” 23 “>Colon cancer prevention is definitely possible as majority (> 80%) of cancers develop from precancerous colon polyps.

Removal of these precancerous colon polyps has been shown in studies to reduce the incidence of colon cancer by up to 80%.

Therefore, colonoscopy screening, with removal of premalignant polyps in the same setting, offers the most effective means of preventing colon cancer.

Other measures that can help minimize your risk of developing colon cancer include:

  1. Moderation of alcohol consumption,

  2. Stop smoking (if you haven’t already)

  3. Regular physical activity (exercise) and a

  4. Balanced diet that includes adequate fruits and vegetables

2. Are colonic polyps all cancerous?

There are many different types of colonic polyps. Although not all can cause cancer, most of the colonic polyps discovered carry a risk of malignant transformation (adenomatous polyps).

The risk of developing cancer from adenomatous polyps also varies depending on factors such as:

3. My relative has colon cancer. What is my risk?

There are several factors that should be considered when assessing your risk of developing colon cancer based on family history.

In general, your risk of developing colon cancer depends on:

  1. The number of family members who have colon cancer,
  2. If the family members who have colon cancer are first-degree relatives (parents, siblings, or children) and
  3. The age at which your family members were diagnosed with colon cancer.

  • One first-degree relative with colon cancer, take a 2 times higher risk to develop the condition
  • Two or more relatives with colon cancer, take in 4 times higher risk to develop the condition
  • 4. Is chemotherapy needed for all colon cancer cases after surgery?

    It is important to understand that the main treatment for curable colon cancer is surgery.

    The role of chemotherapy is primarily to increase surgical treatment to reduce the likelihood of cancer recurrence.

    Therefore, chemotherapy is generally recommended for patients with cancers that are considered to have an increased risk of recurrence.

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    Articles about They are intended for informational purposes only and cannot be a substitute for professional health, medical or surgical advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Photo courtesy of iStock.“data-reactid =” 58 “>Articles about They are intended for informational purposes only and cannot be a substitute for professional health, medical or surgical advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Photo courtesy of iStock.
