Chinese researchers detect coronaviruses in air samples of up to 13 feet from patients


The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is transmitted primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or speaks. These droplets are too heavy to hang in the air and therefore fall quickly on floors or surfaces. According to the World Health Organization, a person can become infected by breathing the virus if they are less than a meter from a COVID-19 patient or by touching a contaminated surface and then the face or mouth without washing their hands.

Recently, a new study has revealed that air samples from hospital wards with Novel Coronavirus patients have found that the virus can travel up to 13 feet. The main result of the study was published on Friday, April 10 by Chinese researchers in Emerging Infectious Diseases, a journal of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). USA

Coronavirus transmission

The new finding intensifies the debate about how COVID-19 is transmitted. Scientists said the small amounts of viruses they found at this distance are not necessarily infectious. Research by the Academy of Military Medical Sciences in Beijing included tests of surface and air samples that scientists had collected from the intensive care unit and a COVID-19 general ward at Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan between 19 February and March 2, involving 24 patients.

After analyzing the samples, the scientists discovered that the new Coronavirus was heavily concentrated on the floors of hospital wards, “perhaps due to gravity and air flow that caused most of the virus droplets to float to the I usually”. They also revealed that high levels were also found on frequently touched surfaces, such as computer mice, trash cans, bed rails, and door knobs. In their report, the researchers mentioned that “Half of the ICU medical staff shoe sole samples tested positive. Therefore, the shoe soles of medical staff could function as carriers.”

Patients are cared for in a converted “Wuhan Livingroom” temporary hospital in Wuhan, central China province of Hubei on February 10, 2020.
Xinhua / IANS

New research on coronavirus in China

It should be noted that the team of scientists observed the so-called aerosol transmission when the Coronavirus drops are so fine that they are suspended and remain in the air for several hours. But in terms of coughing or sneezing, they drop to the ground in seconds. The Beijing researchers said that according to their research, virus-laden aerosols were concentrated near and downstream of patients up to 13 feet, while smaller amounts were found upstream, up to eight feet.

However, the scientists clarified that none of the hospital employees were infected with COVID-19, indicating that adequate precautions could effectively prevent transmission of the disease. They also mentioned that, according to their findings, home isolation of people with suspected coronaviruses may not be a good control strategy, given the levels of environmental contamination.

The battle against the coronavirus is not very easy.

Although the WHO recently faced an accusation for minimizing the risk of Coronavirus, the US health authorities. USA They continually asked people to cover their faces when they were in public in case the virus can be transmitted through normal breathing and speech. Meanwhile, the global death toll crossed 102,000 marks and the United States reported 2,108 coronavirus deaths in 24 hours, the largest daily increase in the country since the outbreak began.

China also reported an increase in new Coronavirus cases on Saturday as authorities try to prevent the second wave of infections, especially from imported and symptomless cases, as restrictions on cities and travel are lifted. The National Health Commission said 46 new cases were reported on Friday, while they found 34 new asymptomatic cases in China.

Meanwhile, people infected with the deadly virus recently described a new horrible symptom. While many patients have reported dyspnea, pain, fatigue, diarrhea, headaches, and eye pain, among other symptoms, some people in the UK experience a new symptom, a feeling of “fizz” or “buzz” in the skin. An infected patient wrote on Twitter: “There are still lingering feelings of ‘COVID’. Do you understand that? It is difficult to describe the alien and dissociated buzzing in some parts of my body. I am fine, but there is an element of exhaustion and physical exhaustion. “

In response to the tweet, another netizen said, “Wow, I thought I was picturing the buzz and the fizzy-type feeling,” while another victim tweeted, “9 days I’ve been feeling symptoms.”
