Chinese couple accused of hiding information from Covid-19 contact trackers must remain in Singapore, Courts & Crime News & Top Stories


SINGAPORE – A Chinese couple accused of withholding information from Covid-19 contact trackers will not be able to leave Singapore and then return to participate in their ongoing trial.

On Monday (October 19), High Court Judge Vincent Hoong overturned a lower court decision that allowed the couple to leave Singapore for China and return on January 20.

His next court date is January 25.

The married couple will now have to remain in Singapore on bail of $ 10,000 each before trial proceedings can resume.

District Judge Ng Peng Hong had previously granted Shi Sha, 37, and her husband, Hu Jun, 39, permission to travel to China.

His bond amounts had been increased from $ 10,000 each to an additional bond requirement of $ 80,000 on one surety or $ 40,000 on two surety to leave the jurisdiction.

The couple were also instructed to provide their detailed travel itineraries to the Investigating Officer (IO) before leaving Singapore and to provide full details of where they would be staying. The IO had told them to remain contactable.

On October 9, Assistant Prosecutor Timotheus Koh successfully petitioned for the stay of this order pending a review in Superior Court, which took place on Monday.

The couple face a single count of withholding information from a contract tracker about Hu’s whereabouts and activities between January 22 and 29.

Shi also faces three charges related to providing false information to other contact trackers. They have sought trial on these charges.

Defense attorney Dhanwant Singh argued during the Supreme Court review of the case that Hu’s livelihood was at stake as he works as a “high-level financial advisor” and was “in charge of investments of up to millions of dollars.”

The lawyer also said that the couple have two children, ages four and ten, both in China and that Shi has been separated from them for months.

Singh emphasized that “there was no difference” between the couple being out on bail or in another jurisdiction, as both faced crimes subject to bail.

DPP Koh objected to Mr. Singh’s request, emphasizing that the couple posed a high flight risk despite the increase in the amount of their bond.

DPP Koh noted that the only thing that ensures the duo’s return is their “simple assertion that they will eventually return for their court proceedings.”

Both Hu and Shi have no roots in Singapore, live in rented premises, are here on special passes and do not have any jobs here.

“By the time travel documents are returned, the ability to force respondents to return for proceedings diminishes. Respondents would be out of reach in a different jurisdiction, a jurisdiction with which Singapore does not have an extradition treaty. “DPP Koh said.

DPP Koh added that respondents did not submit supporting documents to support or justify their need or urgency to return to China. For one thing, Hu had not provided any evidence why his work couldn’t be done remotely, or why his livelihood would be in jeopardy if he didn’t return to China.

Shi also had not provided reasons for leaving Singapore beyond wanting to see his family.

The Straits Times understands that Shi had a long-term visitation pass and lives in Singapore.

Hu flew out from Wuhan, China, on January 22 to celebrate the Chinese New Year with her. It was later confirmed that he was infected with Covid-19 on January 31. He subsequently recovered and was discharged from the hospital on February 19.

The Health Ministry started contact tracing after Hu’s diagnosis to identify people who may have been exposed to him while he had symptoms.

Shi was identified as a close contact and issued a quarantine order on February 1.

The court previously heard during the trial that the couple had given different versions of their activities between January 22 and 29 to various contact trackers.

If convicted, Shi and Hu can be jailed for up to six months and fined up to $ 10,000 for each crime.
