Biden Plans Immediate Orders on Immigration, COVID-19, Environment


WASHINGTON: US President-elect Joe Biden plans to start his new administration on Wednesday (January 20) with orders to restore the United States to the Paris climate accord and the World Health Organization, attendees said.

Biden will sign 17 orders and actions just hours after taking office as the leader of the United States to break with the policies of outgoing President Donald Trump and establish new paths on immigration, the environment, the fight against COVID-19 and the economy. they said.

In the first day’s moves, it will end Trump’s heavily attacked ban on visitors from several Muslim-majority countries and halt construction of the wall that Trump ordered at the U.S.-Mexico border to stop illegal immigration, the officials said. assistants.

READ: In farewell speech, Trump urges to pray for the next administration without mentioning Biden

LEE: Trump’s legacy: major policy changes that are often lost amid the din and scandal

It will also establish a mask mandate on federal properties to stop the spread of COVID-19; restore the protections of valuable nature reserves removed by Trump; and seek to freeze evictions and protect millions of people behind on their mortgages due to the coronavirus pandemic.

He also plans to send a bill to Congress to renew immigration policies and give millions of undocumented immigrants living within the country a path to citizenship that the Trump administration denied.

Biden’s staff said they wanted to get started given the deep health and economic challenges facing the country.

Biden “will take action, not only to reverse the most serious damage from the Trump administration, but also to begin moving our country forward,” attendees said in a statement.

“These actions are bold, they begin the job of delivering on President-elect Biden’s promises to the American people, and most importantly, they fall within the constitutional role of the president.”


Many of the actions will take government policies to where they were on January 19, 2017, the last day of the Barack Obama-Joe Biden administration, before Trump took office and took a wrecking ball on many of his initiatives.

Jeff Zients, the new president’s point man in fighting the pandemic, said Biden would begin by establishing a COVID-19 response office within the White House.

A 100-day “masking challenge” will take place with a presidential order to wear masks on all federal properties and activities, setting the standard for private companies, individual states and communities to follow suit, Zients said.

Wednesday “begins a new day, a new and different approach to managing the country’s response to the COVID-19 crisis,” he said.

That includes reversing Trump’s decision to leave the World Health Organization.

READ: Biden aims to unify discourse at overwhelming time for America.

READ: Biden’s team says US will not lift COVID-19 travel bans, despite Trump statement

To underscore Biden’s decision, Zients said, America’s leading coronavirus expert Anthony Fauci will lead a delegation to participate in the WHO Executive Board meeting on Thursday.

“The withdrawal of the United States from the international arena has impeded progress in the global response and left us more vulnerable to future pandemics,” he said.

Gina McCarthy, the new administration’s top climate adviser, said returning to the 2016 Paris agreement was essential to making the fight against climate change a central tenet of the Biden administration’s policy.

Biden will reverse Trump’s decisions to ease emissions and efficiency standards, and terminate the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, a large project that would bring relatively polluting Canadian oil to the United States.

“The climate executive orders on day one will begin to put America back on the right footing, a foundation we need to restore American leadership, helping position our nation to be the world leader in clean energy and jobs,” McCarthy said.

Other actions by the new president will require a proactive government-wide equality effort for minority groups, in hiring, hiring and service.

“The president-elect has promised to eradicate systemic racism from our institutions,” said Susan Rice, its director of the National Policy Council.
