Beating Trump in the US Presidential Election Is Just the First of Many Hurdles for Biden, United States News & Top Stories


WASHINGTON – It may have been a narrow victory, but it was decisive: Most Americans, by whatever measure, the popular vote or the electoral college, rejected four more years of Donald J. Trump.

And despite intense pressure from crowds, court cases, and conspiracy theorists, his tenacious democratic process did not fail in the United States of America.

It will not be easy for President-elect Joe Biden to run a bitterly divided country. But he brings a vast experience of nearly half a century of navigating Washington and the world, eight of those years as Barack Obama’s vice president.

And very significantly, Biden, 77, represents a bridge to Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, 56, who will be the first black woman and the first person of South Asian descent to hold the second-highest office in the nation, putting it in a heartbeat of the presidency itself, and in pole position for a White House race in 2024.

The victory of the Democratic Party candidacy came after a record turnout of 160 million, according to preliminary data, a consequence, analysts say, of the intense polarization and sense of urgency over this election. And that’s in the midst of a deadly pandemic.

“We owe this victory to the Black, Native American, youth of color and new immigrant voters who flooded the polls despite significant barriers to fighting for a better future for all of us,” said the Biden-Harris 350 advocacy group. org.

Biden, who will take office on January 20 next year, is already assembling a transition team, although President Trump still insists he has been swindled out of victory and may take his battle to court.

However, analysts hope that if all goes according to plan, in his first weeks in office, Biden is likely to return climate change to the center of policymaking in Washington, and the United States to re-engage with it. Paris Agreement to stop global warming.

Dr. Andrew Steer, president and CEO of the World Resources Institute, said in an email: “It is a new day for issues that are critical to the health and well-being of Americans and the planet.”

It is also very likely that the United States will re-engage with the World Health Organization and will likely restart diplomatic dialogue with Iran. A broader-based dialogue with China is likely to resume even if strategic competition persists.

Essentially, after four years of megaphone diplomacy focused on Trump’s personality, Biden will reestablish a measure of traditional diplomacy, including repairing relations with allies in Europe and Asia shaken by Trump’s abrasive transactional approach.

Certainly, the internal tension in the US will remain elusive.

“Trumpism will continue to be a major force in American politics,” said professor of international politics Inderjeet Parmar at the City, University of London.

“A powerful left aided by Black Lives Matter and … young people in debt and angry against climate change will demand radical reforms; and the world will be wary of America’s unpredictability and the possible return of Trump in 2024,” said Dr. Parmar to The Sunday Times.

“The pandemic and its economic consequences call for massive state action, at least temporarily,” he said.

On the diplomatic front, he thought a Biden administration would seek to restore a semblance of normalcy.

Curtis Chin, a fellow at the Milken Institute Asia and a former US ambassador to the Asian Development Bank, told ST that the new administration may seek to heal a divided nation.

“At home, a Biden administration must address a historic collision of economic, health and social crises. And abroad, many will see how a new administration will build on, change or reject the policies that the Trump administration followed, since tariffs to China. to immigration restrictions. “

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