‘Battle of the Titanic’: US Supreme Court seat overturns 2020 presidential campaign


WASHINGTON: The death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday (September 18) has sparked a fierce political battle for her replacement and brought the sudden vacancy to the fore in the November presidential election.

Ginsburg, who died Friday at age 87 of complications from pancreatic cancer, was a staunch advocate for women’s rights and the court’s leading liberal voice.

His death gives President Donald Trump the opportunity to expand his conservative majority with a third appointment at a time of deep divisions in the United States.

LEE: Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies at 87

Political strategists say it could bolster his effort to deflect the issue of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic that has killed nearly 200,000 Americans, while galvanizing both his conservative base and Democrats who fear a shift in the balance of power. power in the Supreme Court.

“This is going to unleash a titanic battle. This could seriously affect the election,” said David Gergen, a political adviser who has served four US presidents, both Republicans and Democrats.

Trump, who is seeking reelection on November 3, has already appointed two conservatives to life courts, Neil Gorsuch in 2017 and Brett Kavanaugh in 2018.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Friday that he intends to act on any nominations Trump makes, while Democrats immediately called for the seat to remain vacant until after Jan. 20, when the winner of the November 3 elections will be sworn in.

Trump has been trailing Democratic opponent Joe Biden in opinion polls for months as Democrats have tried to make the election a referendum on Trump and, in particular, his response to the public health crisis.

“Any week that Donald Trump doesn’t have to talk about the coronavirus is a net positive for him,” said Joel Payne, a Democratic strategist who worked for 2016 Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

“Historically, Republicans vote in court. I think some Republicans will see this as the October surprise to stir up excitement at their base,” Payne said. “(But) I think progressives understand what is at stake in this election better than ever.”


Trump had already sought to capitalize on the enthusiasm of the right for his judicial nominees, adding 20 names to his list of people whom he would consider nominating to the Supreme Court on September 9.

Susan B. Anthony List, a leading anti-abortion group, said the opportunity for Republicans to take the seat was “a turning point for the nation in the fight to protect its most vulnerable, the unborn.”

Biden has not released a list of possible Supreme Court elections, but he has vowed to nominate a black woman if a seat is available while he is president.

Katon Dawson, a Republican consultant and former chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party, said the development would help Trump with moderate Republicans who may not like him, but are aligned with him on politics.

“This solidifies those votes for him.” Dawson said.

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But an attempt to rush the nomination just before the election could backfire for Republicans, especially senators facing tough re-election battles in November, he added.

The threat of losing abortion rights could also exacerbate Trump’s struggles with female voters, said Andrew Feldman, a strategist working on progressive issues.

“When you ask these suburban women to think about the issue of the election, I will take our side in that argument every day,” he said.
