AVS investigates after seeing young people playing table football with live frogs


David sun
The new role
December 28, 2020

A group of teenagers are being investigated after they allegedly played table football with live frogs.

(Video shared by Stomper Wynn)

A video of the incident, which appeared online over the weekend, shows unidentified teens unpacking about a dozen live frogs in a Burberry shoe box, with the words “Merry Christmas” sprinkled across the clip.

It then goes on to a scene of the teens playing on a foosball table, hitting the ball with a frog on the table trying to avoid getting hit.

The words “Thank you for the 100 frogs” appear in a second clip.

Another scene shows the teens carefully placing the ball on the table, before kicking it directly into an amphibian, which is knocked against the side of the foosball table before jumping up.

A third clip claimed to feature the “last frog” of the group.

Although no faces can be seen, the footage indicates that three young men, one of whom was filming, and a teenage girl were involved in the incident.

Ms Jessica Kwok, director of the community animal management group at the Animal and Veterinary Service (AVS), said she was concerned about the incident and is investigating.

“AVS takes all comments received from the public seriously and will analyze the reported cases,” he said.

In a press release, the executive director of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Jaipal Singh Gill, said he has received a report on the incident.

The video shows a clear case of cruelty to animals that is punishable by law, Singh added.

Anyone with information about the case, including the identities of the individuals involved, can email the SPCA at [email protected]. Any information provided will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

The videos have sparked outrage online, with many netizens criticizing the actions of the young people and calling for harsh action against them.

It was also alleged that one of the teenagers in the incident is already being investigated by police for trespassing into the white rhino enclosure at the Singapore Zoo.

In that incident on December 17, the teen posted a video on TikTok showing him doing a backflip in the enclosure with the rhinos before jumping over the barricade to return to the visitor trails. At that time, at least four rhinos could be seen in the enclosure.

Wildlife Reserves Singapore (WRS) had issued a statement condemning the youths’ actions, calling them a “reckless and senseless act that is socially irresponsible, extremely dangerous and simply disrespectful to wildlife and animals.”

WRS urged others not to do such stunts as their lives could be in danger.

In an interview with the Chinese nightly daily Lianhe Wanbao, the young man said that the incident with the frogs occurred on Christmas Eve at a friend’s house, where they had a small dinner.

He said there were a total of 17 frogs, which were meant to feed the fish.

He claimed that all but one of the frogs were released and that they wanted to feed that frog to the fish, but they had to dismember it because it was too big.

“We didn’t know how to kill the frog as quickly as possible, and my friend thought that shooting it with the ball might be effective, so we did it,” he said.

“After that, we fed the frog to the fish.”

By posting a note on his Instagram account on Sunday (December 27), the young man claimed that the group was not playing table football with the frogs.

“There was no intention of animal cruelty on my part,” he wrote.

“I understand this is easy to assume, especially given my recent rhinoceros incident, but people who just assume things just seem silly when the real story comes out.”
