Acres says animal hostility is not tolerated after cleaner hits monkeys with broom in Woodlands


Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (Acres) said it does not tolerate hostility towards wild animals after a man was seen using a broom to beat monkeys at Woodlands Waterfront Park.

This incident, which occurred on Sunday (November 22) at 7.10 am, was caught on video by Stomper. Paul I was exercising in the area.

In the video, the man, who appears to be a cleaner, can be seen walking towards a tree and using a broom to hit the monkeys hiding in the leaves.

Paul mentioned that although the monkeys cannot be seen clearly in the video, they were high up in the trees.

“I was doing my warm-up exercises before my morning run when all of a sudden I heard someone yelling really loud,” Paul said.

“I approached the screaming and was surprised to see a cleaner using a broom to attack a family of monkeys in a tree.

“He also threw branches at them, which I thought was very unkind to do.

“What if the monkeys get hurt? Or what if they provoke themselves and start attacking the cleaner?

“There were a lot of runners around and none of us were affected by the monkeys. In fact, many of us enjoy watching them walk freely in the park.

“So I’m not sure why the cleaner felt the need to attack them. I really hope the monkeys don’t get hurt or hurt.”

Responding to a query from Stomp, Kalai Vanan, Acres Deputy Executive Director, said: “The Acres crime investigation unit is aware of this case and has forwarded the information to the National Parks Board (NParks).

“We would need to establish who the man is and talk to him to find out more about why he had reacted so negatively to the macaques.

“We hope he doesn’t hurt himself or any macaques in the process. Such hostility towards wild animals cannot be tolerated anyway, as they can make the animals feel threatened and defend themselves.”

“Such acts also paint a negative picture of the animals involved to other members of the public.”

Kalai also urged the public to be more tolerant of Singapore’s biodiversity and call Acres’s 24-hour wildlife rescue hotline if there are any wild animals in danger.

The executive director of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Dr. Jaipal Singh Gill, also said in a statement that the man appears to be frustrated and that the SPCA understands that finding animals can sometimes be challenging. in the line of work.

“However, confronting animals in this way is not justified and can further aggravate the situation,” added Dr. Gill.

“It can also put one at risk of injury. We encourage the man or his company to contact Acres or the SPCA for advice on how to handle the animal-related problems they are facing.”

According to NParks, here is what to do if you find monkeys outdoors:

  1. Stop what you are doing immediately.
  2. Stay calm and calm. Do not make sudden movements and do not make direct eye contact with the monkeys.
  3. Look away and back slowly. Stay away from the monkeys and run.
  4. If you are holding an object that attracts monkeys, hide it or discard it.
  5. Don’t try to hit the monkeys.
  6. If you have a child with you, put it on your shoulders. This will increase your perceived size, which could discourage monkeys from approaching you and your child.
  7. Stay away from the area until the monkeys are gone.