A sigh of relief as international organizations await US President-elect Biden, Europe News & Top Stories


GENEVA (AFP) – After years of disconnection and confrontation from the United States, international organizations in Geneva seemed to breathe a collective sigh of relief over Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election, but the anticipated honeymoon could be short.

“I think basically everyone is waiting with open arms for the US government to return,” said Professor Manfred Elsig, an international relations expert at the World Trade Institute at the University of Bern.

The administration of Republican President Donald Trump has been a traumatic experience for international organizations that in many cases were created by the United States and accustomed to strong support and leadership from the United States.

In Geneva alone, the United States, with Trump, has cut ties with the main UN rights body, paralyzed the World Trade Organization (WTO), and begun withdrawing from the World Health Organization (WHO) , even when the agency makes an effort to coordinate the response management to Covid-19.

After elections for Democratic Party candidate Biden were called last weekend, “there was a great sigh of relief” within international organizations, a Geneva trade official told AFP, who asked not to be identified.

Observers hope that Washington, under Biden’s leadership, will re-engage with the international community and its institutions and resume discussions on a number of issues blocked by its predecessor.

Time to celebrate

“I think there will be a bit of a honeymoon,” said Professor Elsig, warning that the period of happiness could be “short.”

The four-year hard-pressed narrative that international organizations are taking advantage of the United States remains deeply ingrained, especially among Republicans, he said.

“Every step the Biden administration takes to engage with the world and international organizations will be critically monitored in the United States.” While many obstacles remain, there is optimism in Geneva that discussions in international forums will be more constructive.

The WHO has a special reason to celebrate, after suffering relentless American attacks in recent months.

By accusing the United Nations health agency of mishandling the Covid-19 response and bowing to China, Trump has begun to withdraw the United States, traditionally the WHO’s main donor, from the organization.

But Biden said in a tweet: “On my first day as president, I will join the WHO and restore our leadership on the world stage.”

The WHO declined to comment on its expectations for a Biden presidency, but the agency’s head, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, adopted an optimistic tone in his congratulatory tweet to the president-elect.

“I look forward to working with you and your teams. Crises like the Covid-19 pandemic show the importance of global solidarity to protect lives and livelihoods,” he said.

‘Free aggression’

The WTO will certainly also welcome a changing of the guard in Washington.

The world trade body faces multiple crises, with the United States stubbornly blocking its budget, crippling its dispute settlement system and now preventing the selection of its new leader, having been without a captain since August.

A second Geneva trade official said that Biden could possibly change course and approve of Ms Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala from Nigeria becoming the first woman and the first African to lead the WTO.

But a host of other issues, including Washington’s dislike of its appeals body, which it accuses of overreach, predate Trump.

However, even if some fundamental positions remain unchanged, there will not be the same “gratuitous aggressiveness,” the official said.

‘Big problem’

While international organizations can now look forward to a more constructive engagement with Washington, Professor Elsig emphasized that not all of Trump’s attacks had been boastful.

“Perhaps 10 percent of the criticisms should be taken seriously,” he said, pointing to the growing agreement that reforms are needed at the WHO and other organizations.

In the short term, he said, Biden should enjoy goodwill among international partners and will be “in a strong position” to push legitimate demands for change.

But Professor Elsig said he was still “really concerned about the speech in America.”

“If Trump’s focus continues in the Republican Party … then we don’t have long-term support in the United States for international organizations.

“That’s a big problem.”
