Hong Kong to reopen schools, gyms and cinemas as coronavirus rules are eased, East Asia News and Top Stories


HONG KONG – The Hong Kong government will reopen schools and relax various measures of social distancing, most of which expire on Thursday (May 7), as the number of new coronavirus infections in the city stabilizes.

Speaking to the media on Tuesday afternoon, CEO Carrie Lam said the current limit for public meetings of groups of up to four people will rise to eight starting on Friday.

Places like gyms, cinemas, game centers, mahjong, massages, and beauty salons will reopen starting Friday, although some restrictions on its operations will remain in effect until May 21.

For example, movie theater capacity should not be maximized and estheticians should have specific precautions.

Karaoke rooms, nightclubs and nightclubs will be closed for another two weeks.

Food and beverage companies will be able to increase the maximum number of customers at a table from four to eight, but other existing rules will be maintained, such as wearing masks and having tables with a separation of at least 1.5 m.

Bars and pubs can also reopen starting Friday, but live bands and dances are not allowed. They must also observe a limit on the number of clients.

“Raising the number from four to eight, both for the catering business and for banning a group meeting, is not rocket science, but this is a step in the right direction of relaxation. So maybe in another 14 days, we will raise the number from 8 to 10, from 12 to 15, “said Ms. Lam, adding that there has to be flexibility in imposing rules.

Schools will open in phases, and upper secondary students will return to classes on May 27 before younger students do so in June.

Classes will not resume for children in kindergarten for the rest of the year.

When asked if the decision was premature, Education Secretary Kevin Yeung said the government is not resuming classes “immediately” but is “giving approximately three weeks advance notice for all concerned Prepare for the resumption of school. ”

He said the government will definitely monitor the situation and adjust the plans accordingly, but expressed confidence that the plan will be able to materialize on May 27.

The decision comes when Ms. Lam notes that Hong Kong had no local infection for 16 consecutive days.

Of these, no new cases were recorded on 10 of the days, including Tuesday.

The total of confirmed cases until Tuesday is 1,040 and four deaths.

Around 900 patients have been discharged so far.

She said the number of infections has dropped in the low digits and that the transmission rate has been lower in Hong Kong than in other parts of the world.

The move makes Hong Kong one of the first cities in the world to reopen places that draw large crowds.

As the pandemic appears to be under control, officials returned to their offices on Monday, and facilities such as museums and libraries will gradually reopen later this week.

At the briefing, the government also announced that locally developed reusable face masks, which can be reused up to 60 times, will be delivered to residents beginning May 6 for a month.
