Heartbreak when father and daughter die of coronavirus a few days apart


A family was devastated after a father and daughter died of coronavirus a few days apart.

Tributes have been paid to David Whincup, 79, and his daughter Joanne Rennison, 52, who died after hiring Covid-19.

The couple lived in Cottingham with Margaret, David’s wife and Jo’s mother, and Jo’s daughter Alice, a law student.

Both were directors of Educare Nursery in Beverley and were also widely known for their work in a variety of sectors in the region.

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Father and daughter David Whincup and Jo Rennison died of the coronavirus a few days apart.

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Whincup served as Vice President and President of the Haltemprice and Howden Conservative Association.

Congressman David Davis paid tribute to his public service and character.

He said: “David was the kindest, most considerate, and absolutely decent man I have had the privilege to meet.

“He had a fantastic commitment to selfless public service, especially when he served as President of the Conservatives Haltemprice and Howden. We will all miss him very much. ”

David worked as the director of the Red Cross and, prior to that, was a Humberside Police Officer for more than 30 years.

Meanwhile, Jo pursued a career in hotel event management before becoming a Red Cross fundraising manager.

David and Joanne’s family was devastated

David’s charity work raised thousands of pounds for worthy causes in Hull and East Yorkshire.

Following in their footsteps, David’s grandchildren have now created a JustGiving page in memory of their grandparents and aunts.

They are raising money for Hull, Beverley Borough and Holderness Branch of the MS Society, breaking their initial target of £ 500 in no time and now pushing towards £ 4,000.

Jo was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when she was 30 years old and the MS Society has always been at the center of her fundraising.

David also supported many other charities as a founding member of the Haltemprice Lions Club in 1973, serving as president four times and as secretary for a long period.

Mr. Whincup’s funeral took place on Monday, just days after his daughter’s, at the Haltemprice Crematorium and was attended by close family members with only many more after the online proceedings.

Stuart Hickson, a police colleague of David’s, noted: “I know that under normal circumstances this building would have been full because David touched many lives.”

Daycare owner and former police officer David with his wife Margaret

Known for his tremendous energy and dedication, David has always strived to make a positive impact, yet his greatest achievement was his family.

Margaret and David had three daughters, Vicki, Jo and Al, three grandchildren, Alex, Alice and Frankie, and one son-in-law, Paul.

Fondly remembering their father, Vicki and Al described their admiration for their remarkable father who always had a smile, was full of energy, full of life, full of fun and love for his family.

They are devastated by the impact of the cruel illness Covid-19 has on families, yet they are grateful for the special moments they shared with their father and fun-loving sister Jo.

Born in 1940, David joined the police cadets after dropping out of school in 1956.

Three years later he became a PC and embarked on a career that included roles as a detective and disciplinary inspector and complaints on his way to the rank of superintendent in charge at the Tower Grange Police Station and then to the chief of force. HR Department.

He organized activities that included police dances and band concerts and was treasurer of the Police Sports Club from 1977 until he retired from the force in 1990.

David’s fundraising skills were important when he served as director of the British Red Cross in the Hull area until 1999.

When the charity made the decision to close his children’s daycare, David saw an opportunity to launch Educare as a family business.

Commitment to training and investment was at the core of the business as it expanded with extensions to the building, an increase in the capacity of 24 children to the current level of around 150, and job creation of 12 jobs on the day of opening at around 35 now. .

Vicki Morris, who was recently appointed director of the daycare, said: “David was tremendously committed to the daycare, striving to develop facilities, resources and a positive and safe environment for children.

“He was incredibly proud of the daycare and all of its accomplishments, always making sure that the staff was recognized for their hard work and dedication.

“You will be deeply missed, but the daycare will continue with all the plans you developed with me and our amazingly dedicated and amazing team.”

David also hosted many fundraising dinners for the Haltemprice Lions Club, and his commitment helped secure the support of many other prominent companies and individuals as he attracted some of the sport’s biggest names.

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Coronavirus outbreak

Norma Tanikal, Vice President of Haltemprice Lions, said: “David was a very active Lion and responsible for social events that raised thousands of pounds for hospital teams and local charities.

“He was a very popular and respected member of Haltemprice Lions and we will greatly miss him.”

To support JustGiving’s appeal in memory of David and Jo Click here.
