The government appreciates the growing importance of tudung to Muslims, considering how nurses can wear it with uniforms: PM Lee


SINGAPORE: The government appreciates the growing importance of tudung to Singaporean Muslims and is considering how Muslim nurses can wear the headscarf with their uniform if they wish, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said.

Mr. Lee conveyed his views in a letter in response to the Mufti of Singapore, Dr. Nazirudin Mohd Nasir, on Wednesday (March 31).

“The Government fully appreciates the growing socio-religious importance of tudung to Singaporean Muslims and the desire of some Muslim nurses to wear the tudung with their uniform if they so wish,” said Mr. Lee.

“We are currently considering how this can be done.”

Interior Minister K Shanmugam had said last week that “there is likely to be a change” in the government’s stance on nurses wearing tudung in a dialogue session organized by the Religious Rehabilitation Group.

READ: Likely change in position on nurses using tudung; topic discussed with Muslim religious leaders in August: Shanmugam

On Wednesday, the Prime Minister reiterated that Singapore is one of the few countries in the world where different races and religions coexist peacefully and closely.

“Our racial and religious harmony is based on treating everyone equally without prejudice or discrimination, and building a national identity shared by all communities, while allowing each community to practice its faith and lifestyle.

“We have done this through mutual accommodation, commitment and building the trust of all groups. Over time, we have reached a delicate balance that considers the interests of all communities.”

However, this balance is dynamic, Mr. Lee said. He noted that the younger generations of Singaporeans are growing up and attitudes are changing, creating new problems and pressures.

These need to be addressed with the Singapore context in mind. Any changes we make must be considered carefully and gradually.

“Only then will the changes be understood and accepted by all communities, and the results will reinforce rather than weaken our racial and religious harmony,” he said.

READ: The government’s secular position on the issue of wearing tudungs ​​with public service uniforms has been ‘consistently clear’: Masagos

Mr. Lee also thanked Dr. Nasir and religious professors for participating in the Government’s consultations on the issue in recent years, as well as the Singapore Islamic Religious Council (MUIS) for supporting the Government’s deliberations.

MUIS has stepped up on many occasions to lead interfaith efforts and strengthen ties of trust between Muslims and other religious communities, Mr. Lee said.

“In recent months, MUIS’s approach to the Christian and Jewish communities has been crucial in maintaining our social harmony in the face of terrorist threats,” he said.

READ: Religious groups asked to be more vigilant after a teenager planned attacks on mosques: Shanmugam

The council also came together and provided timely guidance to Singapore’s Muslim community to adjust their religious practices during the COVID-19 pandemic, Lee said.

“I look forward to working with MUIS to strengthen social cohesion and advance the Muslim community and all Singaporeans,” said Mr. Lee.


Mr. Lee was responding to a letter from Dr. Nasir, in which the Mufti welcomed recent updates on the likely change in the Government’s position.

“We are confident that the Government can see the reasons why Muslim nurses can use the tudung if they wish and see that a decision will be made when discussions with stakeholders on this matter are concluded,” said Dr. Nasir in his March letter. 27 and released Wednesday.

“With the review, we hope that Muslim nurses find comfort and continue to excel in their professionalism.”

He added: “The Muslim community fully appreciates that this is a complex decision with many difficult and contradictory considerations.

“In our multi-religious society, it is indeed not easy to manage different aspirations and expectations and maintain a high level of trust between communities at the same time.

“We fully support the government’s secular and neutral stance of treating various religious groups fairly, while consulting the community and considering the impact of its policies on society.”

READ: Some places of worship could see enhanced security, including the use of ‘discreet’ guards: Shanmugam

Dr. Nasir said MUIS appreciated the opportunities to provide feedback and input, and that many policies consider and support the needs of the Muslim community.

He pointed out the Law on Human Organ Transplantation, the operation of madrassas and mosques and the measures to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

“While the Muslim community has specific religious needs, we strongly believe that our religious principles and values ​​underscore the importance of good citizenship,” he said.

Dr. Nasir said that his fellow asatizah, or religious teachers, shared this point of view and supported the approach.

“On the subject of tudung, in my many conversations with them over the past year, they agreed that any policy change must be done sensitively without undermining our social cohesion.

We also agree that as societal challenges become more complex, we must strive for thoughtful and respectful public discussions that are motivated by a desire to strengthen the common good and social harmony.

“When taking a step forward, we shouldn’t take a few steps back without realizing it,” said Dr. Nasir.

The issue of Muslim nurses using tudung in the workplace recently resurfaced after Member of Parliament Faisal Manap (WP-Aljunied) raised it in Parliament last month.

The minister in charge of Muslim Affairs, Masagos Zulkifli, had said that the public service policy on uniforms cannot lean towards any particular religious belief, in his reply to Mr Faisal earlier this month.
