At least 39 dead in Myanmar on bloodiest day since military coup began


Security forces killed at least 22 anti-coup protesters in Myanmar’s poor industrial suburb of Hlaingthaya in Yangon on Sunday (March 14) after factories financed by China caught fire, an advocacy group said.

Another 16 protesters were killed elsewhere, said the Association for Assistance to Political Prisoners (AAPP), as well as a police officer, making it the bloodiest day since the February 1 coup against elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

The Chinese embassy said many Chinese employees were injured and caught in arson attacks by unidentified assailants at garment factories in Hlaingthaya and that it had called on Myanmar to protect Chinese citizens and property. China is seen as supporting the military junta that has taken power.

READ: Chinese workers injured in factory attacks in Myanmar, says Chinese embassy

As plumes of smoke rose from the industrial zone, security forces opened fire on protesters in the suburb that is home to migrants from across the country, local media said.

“It was horrible. People were shot in front of my eyes. It will never leave my memory,” said a photojournalist at the scene who did not want to be identified.

Martial law was imposed in Hlaingthaya and another district of Yangon, the commercial center of Myanmar and the former capital, state media announced.

Army-run Myawadday Television said security forces acted after four clothing factories and a fertilizer plant caught fire and some 2,000 people prevented fire trucks from reaching them.

A spokesperson for the board did not respond to calls seeking comment.

myanmar mar 14

Security forces stand guard during a demonstration of protesters against the military coup in Yangon on March 14, 2021. (Photo: AFP / STR)

Dr. Sasa, a representative of the elected legislators of the assembly that was overthrown by the army, expressed his solidarity with the people of Hlaingthaya.

“The perpetrators, attackers, enemies of the Myanmar people, the evil SAC (State Administrative Council) will be responsible for every drop of blood I spill,” he said in a message.

The latest deaths would bring the number of victims of the protests to 126, the AAPP said. It said that more than 2,150 people had been detained as of Saturday. Since then, more than 300 have been released.

READ: Myanmar’s ambassador to the UN urges a stronger international response and vows to continue ‘fighting’ against the junta


The Chinese embassy described the situation as “very serious” after the attacks on factories financed by China. He did not comment on the killings.

“China urges Myanmar to take more effective measures to stop all acts of violence, punish perpetrators in accordance with the law, and ensure the safety of life and property of Chinese companies and personnel in Myanmar,” said its release.

No group claimed responsibility for burning the factories.

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Protesters sit on a makeshift barricade erected to deter security forces during demonstrations against the military coup in Yangon’s Hlaing Tharyar municipality on March 14, 2021 (Photo: AFP / Stringer).

The embassy’s Facebook page was bombarded with negative comments in the Burmese language and more than half of the reactions, more than 29,000, used the laughing face emoji.

Anti-Chinese sentiment has risen since the coup that threw Myanmar into turmoil, and opponents of the military takeover noted the silent criticism of Beijing compared to Western condemnation.

COMMENT: Is China using the Myanmar coup to increase its influence in Southeast Asia?

Only two factories had been burned so far, protest leader Ei Thinzar Maung posted on Facebook.

“If you want to do business in Myanmar on a stable basis, then respect the people of Myanmar,” he said. “Fighting Hlaingthaya, we are proud of you !!”

The United Nations Special Envoy for Myanmar condemned what she called the “ongoing brutality”.

Christine Schraner Burgener said she had “personally heard from contacts in Myanmar heartbreaking accounts of killings, mistreatment of protesters and torture of prisoners over the weekend.”

The crackdown undermined prospects for peace and stability, he said, calling on the international community to support the people of Myanmar and their democratic aspirations.

Britain, the former colonial ruler of Myanmar, said it was shocked by the use of deadly force by security forces against innocent people in Hlaingthaya and elsewhere.

“We call for an immediate cessation of this violence and for the military regime to return power to those democratically elected by the people of Myanmar,” said British Ambassador Dan Chugg.

Night anti-coup protest in Yangon

People take part in a protest against the coup at the Hledan crossing in Yangon, Myanmar, on March 14, 2021. (Photo: REUTERS / Stringer)

The army said it seized power after its allegations of fraud in the November 8 elections won by Aung San Suu Kyi’s party were rejected by the electoral commission. He promised to hold new elections, but has not set a date.

Aung San Suu Kyi has been detained since the coup and is due to return to court on Monday. She faces at least four charges, including illegally using walkie-talkie radios and violating coronavirus protocols.

Away from Hlaingthaya, at least 16 deaths were reported in other parts of Myanmar, including the second city of Mandalay and in Bago, where state television MRTV said a police officer had died of a chest wound after a clash with protesters.

He is the second police officer reported killed in the protests.

The violence took place a day after Mahn Win Khaing Than, who is a fugitive along with most of the top officials of the Aung San Suu Kyi National League for Democracy Party, said that the civilian government would give people the legal right to defend themselves. He announced a law to that effect on Sunday.
